24| What The Doctor Ordered

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"Did you meet any boys in Florida?" 

After I nearly choked on my water, I sat the glass on the dining room table and took a few deep breaths. My dad wasn't really one to beat around the bush when it came to details about my life.

Under normal circumstances, I didn't mind sharing details about my life with him. He and I had always been close and I always felt like I could tell him anything. But when it came to this—to boys? Nope.

And especially not this boy.

"No, dad. No boys." 

I wasn't a liar by habit, and that was a big fat lie, but I couldn't tell him the truth. I didn't even know that the truth was. Whatever the hell all that was with Nathan was over and done with. 

"What happens in Florida stays in Florida." 

It made me feel a little better when he said that. And it made me feel a little sad, too. I was just all types of confused. Especially after that time spent in my room before we left for the flight back home.

The way he held me made me feel so incredibly safe. But it also scared me in a way. I believed him when he said he hadn't held other girls like that. I'm pretty sure we all knew Nathan Jenkins wasn't that much of a cuddler. 

Except with me apparently. 

"I'm surprised, Karma. I thought you'd bring home a boyfriend that I would say wasn't good enough for you. Then you would rebel when I ordered you to break up with him causing you to date in secret." 

That's a little too close to home, Dad.

My mom entered the dining room at exactly the wrong moment with a stern look. "She doesn't have time for boys right now, Hank. She has more important things to worry about."

Here we go. "Don't worry, mom," I drawled. "My application is submitted, and I did a virtual tour when I got back. I'm all set. You can quiz me if you want."

Okay, that last part was meant as a joke and I regretted saying it immediately. Knowing my mom, she might actually quiz me.  

When Nathan found me crying in my room, I had just gotten off the phone with my mom. She found out I lied about applying to USF and blew a fuse. I still didn't want to go there, but I needed to relieve some of the stress that all this was causing. 

So as soon as I got home, I finally sent in my application and did the damn tour virtually. She seemed happy about that. For now, at least. I was just glad to have her off my back. 

"That's wonderful news," she exclaimed with a smile. "I'm telling you, Karma, this is going to be the—"

"Best thing for me. Yeah, I know, mom." Hiking my thumb over my shoulder, I said, "I'm going to go finish unpacking and get acquainted with my new schedule for school."

After a few hugs, another congratulations, and my father trying to stuff me with more meatloaf, I finally made it into my bedroom. Even with everything I was dealing with at home, a part of me was glad to be back. The sooner things got back to normal, the better.

Speaking of normal...

Looking down, I grimaced at my duffle bag that was still packed from the beach trip. Whenever I traveled I always unpacked as soon as I got home. It was a pet peeve from mine. 

But after spending the whole car ride to the airport, and the time on the plane thinking about Nathan, I didn't have the energy. I got dropped off yesterday by Lanie's mom—who had a concerned look on her face, by the way—and then I came straight into my room and dropped my duffle bag right where it currently sat.

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