9. Crowd

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" shua ? "

" eh... wonu...? "

Ah, unfortunately, the eyes wonwoo met was joshua's.

" you said you were in class and now ? " asked the glasses boy furiously.

" hehe, you know.... when you said you were nearing, me and my fucking ass run for our life to arrive here first, " answered joshua while scratching his nape. " i didn't expect for this " 

" yes, what is this ? " jihoon appeared out of nowhere asking that while panting heavily.

" we don't know, we just arrived too " answered wonwoo, eyes on his class.

" let me settle this, " said seungkwan as he confidently walked towards the crowd. " EXCUSE US, WE WANT TO GET INTO OUR CLASS !!! " shouted him once he arrived there.

" pfftttt " joshua, wonwoo and jihoon burst into laughs when everyone look at their friend confusedly.

" MOVE ! " shouted seungkwan again with his wide eyes and by that, those students move aside to give him their way. 

" thankyou " joshua smile widely towards the girls while passing by them.

" shua oppa ! can i take a photo with you ? " shrieked a girl while showing her phone.

Joshua smile softly, " i'm not that popular though," said him with his deep voice. 

" why his voice suddenly changes?? shua dummy, he's such a beautiful angel when he's with us then suddenly being a daddy with those girls " complained seungkwan, annoyed with joshua's fake behaviour.

" come on, oppa ! " persuade that girl and joshua just pat her head. he then shook his head slowly with his soft smile and walked to his table leaving the pouty girl in the crowd.

" just take a photo with her, what is so hard ? " protest wonwoo once they sat in their seats.

" shua must be thinking that he's freaking handsome that he can reject people like just now, " jihoon said with his side-smirk.

" because i am, " joshua winked naughtily at seungkwan and jihoon that earn a laugh from wonwoo.

" by the way, where is the new kid ? " seungkwan asked out of a sudden.

" ah shua, you said he sits literally behind us and now where's him ? " the glasses boy turn his body around to look at the available table behind him. " where. is. him ? " wonwoo squinted his eyes at joshua suspiciously.

" dude, i was just making up a story " joshua answered while slapping wonwoo's cheeks slowly.



The four boys then furrowed their brows simultaneously while looking at each other confusedly.

" what ? " mumbled seungkwan while eyeing the crowds which now are just too hectic to handle.

" give him some way, come on guys ! don't be so childish " heard seokmin's voice from the crowd in a lazy tone saying that.

" just admit that you're jealous of him because we didn't greet you like this, " said that one girl with his judging face towards seokmin.

Seokmin was so ready to lift up his arm to slap that girl's face but Seungcheol stopped him faster than Seokmin could.

" i'm telling you guys seriously, go to your guys' own class right now ! " ordered seungcheol strictly. when everyone slowly moves back, seungcheol and his friends walked into the class.

" woah, look at our student council president, " joshua clasped his hand playfully with glittering eyes.

" shut up, " seungcheol rolled his eyes lazily and approached their tables," tell me where's the available table in this classroom ? "

" behind us, i thought the new kid is going to sit behind us ? " answered joshua while the others just nods but wonwoo.

" yes, mingyu that is your seat " seungcheol pointed his finger to the table behind joshua and wonwoo.

" woah " mumbled seungkwan and jihoon once they saw the new kid's face.

" he's the new transferred kid, kim mingyu "

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