20. Baby's friends

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All of the students in the class sighed out loud when their teacher walked out of their class - the end of school for the day.

Wonwoo closes his books and keeps his pen in his pencil box. He was doing that while eyeing his friends.

" doyoung, faster ! you must take a look at johnny " shouted chitta and that did make wonwoo take his head to him.

The glasses boy just smile watching his classmate pulling doyoung's hand excitedly while the latter just created a stressed face.

" shua, are you going to send us ? " asked seungkwan once he settled with his properties.

Joshua then nods innocently.

" erm, i'm fine... i will take a bus, " said wonwoo.

" why, wonu ? " asked joshua in confusion.

" i want to go to the library first " answered wonwoo.

" we can wait for you, we'll be waiting in the car " persuade jihoon.

" not school's library, i'm going to the library centre in the city, " explained wonwoo, chuckling at the end of his sentences.

" i can send you there ! " said joshua with his high voice.

Wonwoo just shook his head slowly while bowing his head a little, " it's okay, i can go there on my own " persuade the glasses boy.

" are you sure ? " confirm seungkwan suspiciously.

The glasses boy just nods while smiling. As usual.

" ah, let's go send us to the car " declared jihoon as he stand up followed by seungkwan beside him.

" okay, let's go " agreed joshua as he also stand up from his seat. not more than 5 seconds, the american boy then brings his head at Mingyu behind him.

Silences enveloped them for a few seconds before Seungkwan decided to open his mouth and ask, " what about you, mingyu ? "

" ah, i'm going home with my driver, " explained him. Ah, rich boy in fact.

By that, the submissives just nod their heads in understanding. " let's go then, " said jihoon.

They then walked out of the class, leaving Wonwoo behind them. Because he decided to walk behind all of them.

It take a minute for Wonwoo to realise that only his friends left in the class, Chitta and Doyoung also the others already left.

He just shrugged and follows his friends' pace. He follows them with big space that if anyone sees them, they'll declare that the glasses boy is not in the same clique as his friends.

Wonwoo then chuckled with his own thoughts. He has always been like this. Everytime he was walking, he'll travel with his own thoughts and chuckle alone.

The friends then keep walking until they arrived at Joshua's car. Not realise that Jeonghan and the council's students in their clique already there waiting for them.

Council's students - Seungcheol, Soonyoung, Seokmin and Vernon.

" what took you guys so long to arrive here ?! " shouted seokmin in frustration.

Wonwoo just laughs at that, he then brings his eyes at someone who's now waving his hands towards him. The glasses boy just smile and nods at the guy. Who else ? That tiger guy ofcourse.

" okay, thankyou seungcheol for keeping jeonghan accompanied. now, we are going " said joshua as he turn on his car's engine.

" send him home safely, shua ! " remind seungcheol strictly.

" i know mr husband, " answered joshua lazily.

Jihoon and Seungkwan then hop in the car. Vernon leaned on the window because he want to talk with his boyfriend while Jihoon just playing with his phone in the passenger seat.

Wonwoo then slowly walked away from his clique as he see that they starts to mind their own business. He walked away from there that no one noticed him - except Mingyu.

He keep walking that he didn't realise he already arrived at the gate. By that, he accidentally saw Chitta and Doyoung standing by the road.

The glasses boy smile widely and walked towards those guys. " hey, ten, doyoung ! " greet him.

" WONU ! come here ! let's wait for johnny " shouted chitta excitedly and earn a nod from wonwoo.

" i'm excited too for that johnny guy, " commented doyoung while gesturing his hand to fan himself.

After a few minutes of waiting, finally, a black fancy car stopped in front of them. There, another tall guy in Wonwoo's life walked out of the car. With his sunglasses on, he brushes his hair in confidence.

" hi, baby " greet him at the one and only chittapon leechaiyapornkul aka ten.

" hi, daddy ~ " greeted the thai boy back.

" let's go home ? " invited the guy who wonwoo knows as johnny.

" introducing this is doyoung, " said ten and pulled doyoung's arm, " and this is wonwoo " continue him and pulled wonwoo's arm.

" hi, baby's friends " greet johnny as he pulled out his sunglasses. exposing his somewhat can be called sexy face.

" hi, ten's daddy " greeted doyoung's back. wonwoo then laughs at doyoung's behaviour and smile at johnny when that guy turned his head towards him.

" okay, now you go with your daddy ! i'm going home, " said doyoung.

" bye, doyoungie ! bye, wonu ~ " said ten happily.

Wonwoo just smile and walked away from them. He walked to the bus stop and wait for the bus that is going to the library centre.

He's not lying though, he's really going to the library and after that his senior's apartment.

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