35. Sunset

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a few months have passed since their last gathering - at junhwi's apartment. baby renjun is now already three months old. ah, it's been two months already. in that two months, a lot of things happened at mingyu and wonwoo. they have been closer than before, even mingyu now is free to kiss wonwoo's hand.

only hand though, but still it's precious right ? ahh... wondering how can they suddenly were that close.


" kim, come here ! " shouted mingyu who's now standing beside the lake at the park. ice cream in his left hand while his right hand he pulled out to reach for wonwoo who's now running towards him with cotton candy in his hand.

" you're walking too fast ! didn't even wait for me " complained wonwoo while running towards mingyu. luck is not on his side that day, a few steps more before he can put his palm in mingyu's palm he fell out of sudden.

" oh, shit ! wonu ! " hectic mingyu a second after the glasses boy fell with his cotton candy in his holds.

" weeeeeeeee !! kim mingyu ! " shouted wonwoo while faking his cry. " these rocks stumbling me ! " complained him as he saw mingyu is nearing him.

" heeee, kim ! you're bleeding ! " mingyu's reaction when he reached the glasses boy who's now sad that his cotton candy can't be eaten anymore.

" oiii ! look at this sweety food ! it can't be eaten anymore ! doesn't it look pathetic ?! " growl wonwoo while pouting. he then stand up quickly and was about to turn back to the cotton candy shop but mingyu pulled his arm even quicker.

" where are you going ? " asked mingyu, his face said that he's still hectic with wonwoo.

" buy a new one ofcourse ! " answered the glasses boy.

" nah, eat my ice cream instead " mingyu then hand his ice cream to wonwoo. " you go sit there properly, i'll be back in 3 minutes, " ordered mingyu once wonwoo took the ice cream from his hand.

without any objection, the glasses boy then walked to the lake and sit beside there properly. at the place where mingyu stand just now. he waited around 10 minutes and mingyu finally arrived.

" three minutes, you dumbass, " said him once the tallboy sit beside him.

kim mingyu then smiles, he found that wonwoo is cute when he's annoyed. he pulled out the plasters he bought from a nearer supermarket that is not too near. that's way it's took him 10 minutes. it's okay, no need to explain. no uses, wonwoo will argue him back.

" it's sunset, incredible isn't it ? i didn't expect that we can see the sunset from here "comforted mingyu as he slowly pulled wonwoo wounded hand.

with glittering eyes, wonwoo nods in excitement, " it's beautiful " commented him.

" yeah, but don't you ever dare to say 'the sunset is beautiful, isn't it ?' to me, " warned mingyu, his eyes on wonwoo's palm.

the glasses boy then squinted in confusion, " why ? " asked him. letting mingyu treat his wound.

" just don't " strict the tallboy. " it's donee ! " said him as he lift wonwoo's palm in his hold to show it at wonwoo. the glasses boy just smiles softly before he mumbled a thankyou at mingyu.

" how was the ice cream ? " asked mingyu, now they are focusing on the sunset.

" delicious, buy it again for me... sometimes, " said the glasses boy.

" kim, you're precious " commented the tallboy out of nowhere, but that really came from his heart. getting no answers from wonwoo, mingyu then decided to take wonwoo's wounded hand.

it's a lie if wonwoo didn't confuse with what mingyu's doing towards him, but he just let it go. he doesn't mind, he also loves to get this kind of treatment from kim mingyu.

the tallboy slowly brought wonwoo's hand to his mouth and kissed the wounded part deeply, with full of love. the glasses boy loves that but he is just shocked by mingyu's behavior. realized by wonwoo's tense body reaction, mingyu then let go of the kiss and bring his eyes to wonwoo's.

" you're precious, jeon wonwoo " said the tallboy again. the glasses boy's cheeks already become a mess reddish.

" i hope you don't play me, " that was wonwoo's answer before they continue to watch the sunset.

their conversations finished there, no more word comes out of their mouth. they enjoy the sunset quietly with their hands in each other holds.


today, wonwoo already had a plan with mingyu. dude ! his crush invite him for a dinner with his family tho ! the glasses boy is honestly not ready yet. he knows how rich mingyu's family is. he's nervous ! jeon wonwoo is nervous !!

universe, are you sure ? it's only has been three months we know each other. isn't this too soon to handle ? wondered the glasses boy.

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