30. Precious

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" stop laughing, kim ! i was so worried, okay ?! " growl mingyu at his table.

after mingyu apologized repeatedly, wonwoo laughed at him and the tallboy quickly put on a pissed face which is make wonwoo laughs even more. but the tallboy is still confused with wonwoo, why he suddenly laughs when he just cried ?

with a stressed mind, mingyu left a laughing wonwoo at the bed and he walked to the other door inside his room. he opened the door and walked in there, which is his workspace. wonwoo who's still laughing, gather all his energy up and follow mingyu's pace into the other room inside the tallboy's room. woah, confusing !

the glasses boy was amused with what was behind the door, such a fancy workspace for a highschool boy like mingyu. with a black gold theme, glasses chess over a glasses tea table and wooded work table but a little bit messy with papers over it.

mingyu looks like a perfect young ceo of the year !

wonwoo still with his mind even when mingyu already settle with his chores inside his workspace. don't ask why he got his own workspace when his father is a known-well person.

" kim ? since when you were there ? " asked mingyu as he turned around and found wonwoo eyeing all the corners of his workspace.

" since you were busying with the papers... " answered the glasses boy, " now, where should i sit ? " asked him.

" at the couch of course ? "

" ah yes, of course ! " excited the glasses boy as he jumped to the couch, still careful with the glasses tea table with glasses chess over it in front of the couch.

" i asked you to sit over the bed because i want to tidy all of these papers up first, but then you cry... making me hectic af " explained mingyu as he sat at his leather fabric chair.

" i thought you want to rape me ! " yeah glasses boy, too frontal mr wonwoo.

mingyu gasped in shock as he didn't expect the glasses boy to be that frontal, " are you kidding me ?! "

making, wonwoo, burst, into, laughter, again.

here they are, wonwoo continues his laughing session which was stopped by mingyu's fancy workspace and mingyu struggling in ordering wonwoo to stop laughing his ass off.

" your worry face was so cute and the way, haha ! the way you apologized was even cuter, pffttttt ! oh god ! my stomach is cramp, hahaha !! " wonwoo, having a hard time laughing while holding his stomach.

tsk ! please send some help to uri mingyu, his face is such a mess reddish already because of the glasses boy.

" kim, are you really ? " asked mingyu as his pissed face is fading replace with a smiley one.

isn't this a precious moment ? it can be counted as a precious one right ? mingyu know it's not easy to see wonwoo laughing this hard, with that smile on his face as he tries to stop his laughs but ends up bursting into it again.

mingyu then smile watching the glasses boy laughing. okay, he knew. he won't talk about jeon's reputation today, or he'll never talk about it.

will he ?

jeon wonwoo is just too precious to know about his parents' job.

one day he will know on his own, mr and mrs jeon will tell their son about their jobs. mingyu won't stick his nose around it.

" kim, do you want to tour this house ? i can bring you to touring inside this house if you wanted to... " suggest mingyu.

wonwoo then hold his breath as he slowly stops from laughing, " ehm ! why not ? let's go ! " excited him, standing up confidently from the couch and nodding his head eagerly.

mingyu smiled and get off the chair, he walked towards wonwoo and reached for the glasses boy's hand. " let's go, " he then pulled wonwoo's hand.


with full of love.

oh, sure.

kim mingyu is in love.

with ?

the glasses boy...?

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