15. Classmates

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" vernon, you go to the canteen okay ? " said wonwoo once they walked downstairs. about to step in the canteen way.

" eh, where are you going ? " asked vernon confusedly.

" i'm going to my classroom for a while, want to take my book " answered wonwoo with his smile that earn a nod from vernon.

The glasses boy then walked away from the stairs to his classroom. He wasn't lying when he said he want to take his book. He really did it.


He walked into his classroom and go straight to his table.

" wonwoo, hi ! " greeted his classmate.

" oh, hi " greeted the glasses boy back while pulling out his book from his bag.

" let me guess, you guys went to jun's class, right ?! " said the latter confidently.

" yes, you're right," said wonwoo while zipping his bag. " and what about you ? why you just arrive? wake up late because yesterday hooking up with your sugar daddy ? "

His classmate react to him with a shocked expression and big eyes. Closing his mouth with his palm dramatically.

" come on, ten... don't act like that, i know my classmate too well " wonwoo raised his brows proudly.

" well, yeah ! his initial is J, guess what his name " chittapon walked at wonwoo excitedly as the glasses boy already mentioned about his sugar daddy.

" the same one or a new one ? " asked wonwoo.

" what with that question ?! a new one ofcourse ! " ten hit wonwoo's forearm while shouting whisperingly.

" erm, Jackson ? "

Chittapon just shook his head.

" Jisung ? "

" han or park ? "

" park is literally our junior, " said wonwoo with his flat face.

" same goes with han, " declared chittapon.

" give me more hints " ordered the glasses boy.

" english name " answered chittapon.

" Jupiter ? "

" wonwoo, seriously ?! " shouted the smaller boy.

" just tell me his name already, it's hard " complained wonwoo.

" Johnny ! " whispered chittapon.

" may i see his photo ? " requested the glasses boy.

" he's picking me up today, just you wait for it ~," said chittapon and walked away from the glasses boy.

Wonwoo just chuckled at his classmate behaviour, the glasses boy just watching chittapon excitedly dancing while walking towards his friend.

" sorry for his behaviour, wonwoo... he has always been like this when he got a new sugar daddy," said chittapon's best friend.

" it's okay, doyoung... he will get a new one and will act the same," said wonwoo as he walked to them.

Doyoung – chittapon's best friend.

" i fell in love with this one ! " chittapon then pout his lip.

" the same sentences," said doyoung and the glasses boy simultaneously. they end up laughing out loud.

" why you guys are really mean towards me ?! " irritate the shortest boy.

" because you're cute when you growl " stated doyoung while pinching his best friend's cheeks. the glasses boy just smile softly watching their frienship.

" well, that's the fact " chittapon then enlightened with doyoung's words.

" oh, by the way, wonwoo, are you going to the library ? " asked doyoung for confirmation.

The glasses boy then shook his head. He's not going to the library. Even though the library is a peaceful place for him, but this time he won't go to the library.

" oh, okay then bye ! " said doyoung.

" bye, wonwoo ~ " followed by chittapon.

Wonwoo smile widely at them and walked out of the classroom and go straight to his destination.

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