11. Surname

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Library – a quiet place which is loved a lot by the glasses boy.

He arrived at the library as he take his usual seat – besides the window. The glasses boy sit with heavy sighs while slamming his book over the table, eyes on the backyard.

Not to lie, Wonwoo found that the library is his favourite place to release his stress.

Moreover his family's problems.

Wonwoo has the thoughts that in the library, people will not argue because they can't make a noise. So it automatically makes the library a peaceful place, sometimes, however.

The glasses boy staring outside at the bench under the tree. His mind was filled with his memories of his family. He blinked his eyes a few times and wake up from his mind.

Thinking about them will not bring them to me, wonwoo then decided to shrug his mind and open his book – to be read obviously.

" hi "

The glasses boy lift his head to look at the person who just approached him.

" ah, you " wonwoo chuckled as he saw the tallboy in front of him.

" yes, it's mingyu " the tallboy then took his seat opposites of wonwoo.

Meanwhile the glasses boy just smile softly watching the new kid in front of him. But his smile didn't last that long as he remembered something.

Ah, he doesn't even know me, the smile on wonwoo's lips then disappeared.

" erm, we can be here while there's no one in here ? " asked mingyu whispering.

The glasses boy just nods his head as he takes a glance at Mingyu.

" don't you want to bring me touring in this school ? " asked mingyu again, this time his voice is loud.

Wonwoo just shook his head without taking his eyes off his books. " i'm not a tour guide, seungkwan is, " said him.

" it's going to be fun if it is you who bring me to touring in this school, " persuade mingyu.

But the glasses boy again shooking his head u interestingly – well he's an extrovert right 🙄

" erm, okay i won't disturb you reading anymore... " mingyu then pout as he continues playing with his pencil box.

Wonwoo lifts his head as he wants to look at what Mingyu is doing because the tallboy didn't let out any sounds for around 3 minutes already. He didn't even move from his seat.

The glasses boy chuckled when he saw the tall boy playing with his pencil box while pouting. Mumbling something without any sounds coming out of his mouth.

" if you're bored then go back to the class, " said wonwoo softly, pity with the cutie tallboy playing alone in front of him.

" erm, " mingyu shook his head without lifting his head and looking at wonwoo which makes the glasses boy chuckle even more.

" let me ask you for real, " wonwoo put his book aside as he pulled mingyu's pencil box from the tallboy hand.

Mingyu just lift his head confusedly after his pencil box was seized, " what is it ? "

" do you know my name ? " asked wonwoo as he look into the tanned boy's eyes. " well, i don't want to befriend the person who doesn't even know my name, "

" jeon, " said mingyu, still pouting.

Wonwoo then look at the tallboy with furrowed brows. " why you called me with my surname ? " asked the glasses boy irritatingly.

Woah, mentioning that shit family's name, thought wonwoo as he really hate the thought of his family.

" jeon wonu, " said mingyu again.

" wonwoo, " corrected the glasses boy.

" jeon wonwoo, " repeated mingyu.

" yes, correct " answered wonwoo. " don't call me with my surname, i hate that " the glasses boy mumbling that only himself can hear them.

" huh ? " asked the tallboy.

" nothing, " replied wonwoo. " go take a book, read with me " suggested wonwoo.

Mingyu nods his head eagerly and stands up to the shelf in the library, looking for an exciting book to read.

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