Message about H2OVanoss

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Hey guys! I bet all of you know what's going on between Vanoss, Delirious, and this Fandom. This is a message for everyone part of the fandom and I want you all to read this.

I'll start off with the problems that's been happening. First of all, itskricken/Sydney has been posting pictures of her and Evan. Some of them have Evan's arm around her making them look like a couple. They never announced them dating so we don't know what's between them. People from the fandom has been yelling at Evan for putting his arm around her and others are saying he's gay/ he's dating delirious. Someone also posted smut in the comments.

People who are doing this, STOP THIS NOW.

This is just a fandom, all the fanfictions are fictions. It's in the name! You guys are making Evan all awkward about this and make him think we are crazy about H2OVanoss/Vanlirious.

The second problem was from DuDuL's livestream. I was there but left so I wasn't there when this problem happened. I'm still looking for the part when it did so anyone who knows the time of it, please tell me. So, during the livestream, Delirious joined and was there for awhile. People were talking about the fandom in the chat and were asking questions about him and Evan. It was too much for Jon that he ended up leaving.

What I'm telling you here is that we shouldn't be talking about the shipping fandom around the actual YouTubers. Yes, some YouTubers will mess around with the fandom and all but clearly Evan and Jon aren't those type of people. If this keep going they might stop playing with each other because of how awkward it will be. I know that they will. If it was me I would mess around with the ship but still some won't. If you keep doing this, you'll make them go their separate ways and we don't want that.

Let the guys live their own lives. Let them be who they want to be. If they love someone else then let them go be free with that person. You can't focus them to like each other. It's like pushing you and someone you hate to their face saying "KISS." No, that's not how it works.

The fandom is not going anywhere. People will continue writing H2OVanoss/Vanlirious. We're not going to pack all of our writings and leave. If this keep going, I bet some of us will stop writing.

Please understand what I'm saying and stop doing this. Some people don't because I told this to the girl who wrote the smut and she just blocked me on Instagram.

If I catch you doing this, I will have a small talk with you. If you know me or not, I'm still going to have a chat with you. I'm still on lookout to catch what's going on and the people who thinks the fandom is "real."

I would like if you spread this to others. Everyone must know about this.

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