Error Error Error (Fgod Error)

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The irony of the situation was cruel. He was betrayed by his friends and family. They thought he was a threat, a liar an insane destroyer of worlds. He was mentality, physically and soulfully tired. He wanted only for this to all end. The moment he was launched into the void he thought he had his chance.

Unfortunately Fate had other ideas or maybe it had always been the path forward. He felt only pain and looked through the endless darkness he wasn't sure how long he stayed there. But he was dragged back by red strings into the blinding white. The whispers of fate in his ear made him pale in horror and the codes of the multiverse made it the truth.

He was now in the past his bones white and eyes dark blue and blue black tear tracks under his eyes. He was now Error 404 his own future mentor a mysterious person who always seemed to be one step ahead of him and fought with a grace he never thought possible.

Then again near the end he had given up on the idea of fighting. The tug and whispers told him his new job. To create firewalls around the universes against parasites and the multiverse itself. As an Error he had never encountered parasites outside the multiverse only because it now seemed to be 404s job.

At least he wasn't forced through never ending persecution now and the beings he fight are averaging with a program like intelligence. His a passed time was spent watching the multiverse and he was kept no where near as busy as his past self. He even started to train him having gained a lot of different powers and experience against threats that were just as dangerous or more so than Ink himself.

His mind was far clearer now not as glitched up as before and his time as sans, sci, genocide, and error were far clearer now. A lot of things that had confused him as Error made sense now like certain social cues, eating and love. He wondered what would happen when time caught up to him.

He watched himself a bit detached as the thousands of years have passed and the finally of his past comes to an end. Any anger at these people has long faded into cold disdain. The bad sans truly believed Error was mad and needed to put down and the light side allied with them for an agreement like this.

By this point he figured out that he had the title of god of code as well as destruct. He could twist his own code and disguise himself however he wished. So he was only weighting for what fate would do. He entered the void where his counterpart laid. Then he changed his past selfs settings unlock all memories regain white bones.

He saw the red strings snatch his past self and he knew he would be retaking the reins as the destroyer again. A smirk pulled at his lips. He had grown powerful in his time. In fact he could just send his strings in and tear apart the universe code in an instant now.

Needless to say now his job was easier although his other job still took a lot of time whenever it was seriously needed.

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