Error's Big Family (Error)

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So basically Error is the first Geno. Then came the second Geno who was the only one around after Error determination launched him into the void. Then the third Geno Fresh who Error had to do a lot to save his fractured soul's life. Then came Fatal Error who injected himself at the worst time possible causing him to be extremely glitchy. Then there was Error 404 who had formed after Error returned from the anti void and had to do a similar process as Fresh to save his life.

Finally there was After who is the Sans still in the story. Error went in and broke the child's reset ability. And all of them are soul brothers at this point. Geno had ended up marrying Reaper and having Goth. Fresh has a lot of virus children. Fatal Error was married to Blue as they had met during the kidnapping scenario. Fatal carried three kids naming them Craft, Matrix, and Bluelight.

404 ended up with Quantum sans when he had become lost in the anti void. They have 6 kids Timekid, String, Loop, Shuffle, Hourglass, and Lapse. Errors had to babysit a lot over the years as he didn't have an excuse not to. He would definitely make a good mother by this point. ;)

Then that strange incident with Ink had him caring for five brats. So Paperjam, Gradient, Doodle, Chocolate, and Rainbow. (I can't believe I haven't thought of those last two names before. Error loves chocolate and rainbow just makes sense.)

By this point Reaper and Grim(papyrus) were in on it and Grim was married to Ghost Dust Papyrus. Dust was married to Hospitaltale Sans and that Sans' brother was married to Underfell Papyrus. Fell was married to Sci Sans. Sci Sans brother was married to Lust Papyrus. Lust Sans was married to Mafia Sans. Mafia Sans Papyrus was married to Candyland Sans. Candyland Papyrus was married to Farmtale Papyrus.

Quantum Papyrus was married to Horror's Papyrus. Horror was married to Farmer and they've had about thirty kids.

Error had far to many brothers and nephews to keep track of. Error the professional baby sitter every one goes to him when they want to get away from their kids.;)

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