Crossover Idea 8 Naruto

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Naruto Uzumaki reborn as Error
Naruto lived a long life compared to most ninjas. Of course eventually Kurama's stamina couldn't keep his health up when the weight of the years started to hang on his head. He was still human after all and a single careless mistake can easily kill anyone. His dying breath came from a slip up against an enemy in his old age, making mistakes he would have never done before.

He died with a smile on his face as he had lived a good long life and at the last moment released Kurama from the seal so he wouldn't go down with him. The despairing howl the beast released at the loss of his life long companion reverberated across the fire continent.

Then the beast froze as he saw something no other human could see. And lunged disappearing through something that shouldn't of been possible.

Kurama followed the holes ripped in reality as some short of red deity dragged the soul of his partner through it. Then there was nothing but white and a the soul turned a heart shape. The red deity was no where in sight. Reality seemed to fissile against the soul. Glitching as black, red, blue, and yellow rippled through and around it.

A solid almost humanoid black form started to appear. Kurama could feel himself weakening as this reality seemed to be trying to reject him. He wouldn't leave his partner alone and did the equivalent of sealing himself in the still forming body.

This reality took it as an equivalent of a soul as Kurama's body was technically his soul. So a red soul appeared within the new body alongside the glitchy multi colored one. A black skeleton woke up confused at being alive.

(I gave Karama a soul of determination for obvious reasons and naruto was a determined soul never giving up, a judgment soul naruto is a good judge of the goodness in others, and patience as whether or not you'd agree naruto had to have a lot of patience to not snap at his abusers and leading a village of ninjas[crazies])

(AKA A Naruto that had lived for over a century and matured into a true leader gets his soul stolen on his dying breath and becomes Error. Baring the sins of destruction he continues onward through the centuries with Kurama sarcastic and angry comments about all the idiots. Error has a tailed beast mode of determination. Pranks are their vice.)

(Make a scene where people realize he has two different souls in his body LOL)

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