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This goes wonderful everything is beautiful. Error bounced and cheered while the universe started bursting into rainbows of coded fireworks.

Ink quickly appeared through an ink portal seeing the destruction.
"Stupid glitch," Ink growled as he shot his paint at Error eyes a bright red target.

"Aww but Ink isn't it beautiful. Look I've even improved on the colors see!" Error smiled dodging the attack.

"What your doing is making a funkin mess everywhere!" Ink yelled.

Error just laughed and grinned cheekily.

"A mess my Inky will do his best to clean up," Error winked flirting at him.

Ink blushed a rainbow one eye flickering into a pink heart before he called back.

"Bastion Why the huff do you always do this ship." Ink flustered more as all his words were censored.

Error broke out into glitchy laughter. You gotta love Fresh can't have the creator of aus cursing at everyone after all.

"Oh Inky I've got some work to finish, but I'll be sure to visit my Kiki later." Error teleported away before Ink could respond.

Screaming in rage and tsundere embarrassment Ink kicked some of the still decaying codes.

"Stupid glitch, I don't want to see your dumb face anywhere near my doodlesphere!" Ink yelled at nothing.


"Come along boys it's time save the universe,"chirped Nightmare adjusting his goopy crown. Killer bounced excitedly off the walls like a squirrel. When Nightmare felt like Killer was mentally healthy enough to get his emotions back Killer became an extremely overly emotional skeleton.

Horror closed the book he was reading on the couch muttering about how intriguing the plot was to himself.

Dust appeared around the corner," Ha ha today is another day to make sacrifices for the sake of the aus." Dust did a heroic pose his purple eye light turned to stars.  "For Dust shall rein for the betterment of the multiverse."

Cross walked in wearing something that could be from lust tale skirt and all and smirked.

"My blade shall enter the bodies of whoever you command my leuge." Cross bowed with a flourish.

The group was ready.

Dream looked up from his book glaring into the distance.

"Not my problem,"Dream grumbled under his breath sensing despair spreading in an au and flipped the page of his book. Dream glanced up at Blue who was napping on his lap. His lazy self had escaped his energetic papyrus and conked out here.

The loud familiar sound of Ink slamming the door when he walked in deserved no more than a glance.

"So Still being a tsundere Ink," Dream called a smirk curling on his face.

"Shut up Sparkly Ant!" Ink growled.

Blue joined in."Is there an Error in your pants again."

Ink screamed," the funk Blue diggin flabberjack beeeeeeeeeeeep."

"Heh that was an Error if I've ever heard one." Blue drawled out at the Fresh sensor ship.
Fresh leaned back and blew purple smoke from his cigar. He watched the world spin in rainbows.

He released a shaky,"Bra...." again." The rainbows became stars and Fresh was lost to the multiverse.

Reaper gently coaxed each soul to the after life. Giving them a sweet loving embrace of death literally and whispered sweet comforts. He returned home to his love Geno.

Geno was extremely affectionate and the two whispered sweet nothings to each other.

"Your so beautiful death in all shapes and forms."
Life breezily flirted with the man in front of her. She smirked at the whimper that released from her husband. Her husband always crying and begging for her to come home. She loved it when he begged, maybe she'll give him a reward once their home.
Papyrus snored and Sans cheerily got ready for the day. Birds were singing and flowers were blooming and they were all free of the underground. The pain of getting their was so worth it with Papyrus sleeping so comfortably now. Sans cooked a small meal and left the rest for when Paps wakes up. The lazy bones.

(Why did I do this to myself. Everybody's personal is the opposite of their counterpart here. A Nightmare prepared to do his best for the multiverse and a grumpy Dream who is bitter about life. Blue is like a traditional sans with a little extra assholeness. An overly dramatic Killer constantly overwhelmed by his emotions. A sophisticated Horror who would waste his life away reading. Dust is Blue 2.0. Cross wears extremely light clothes strutting around confidently and is constantly flirting.
Fresh is as high as a kite and says bra all the time. Nurturing death and a loving wife geno. A sadistic flirty Life. A whinny king Asgore.)

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