Thunder Clouds Rise {22}

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I glance over at Demon's smug smile as he prances beside me

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I glance over at Demon's smug smile as he prances beside me. My eyes narrow on him as I tell myself I can't kill him. "Stop gloating."

"I'm not!" But his smile only widens. He stretches his arms over his head. "I'm just over here enjoying my free life. Speaking of which, since I'm not grounded, I might set myself up for tonight."

I roll my eyes. My ass, he's not gloating. He's enjoying the fact that dad fucking grounded me and told Nan to make sure my butt stays home all week while he's at work. I'm allowed to go to school and BMF.

"Why don't you go do that then," I grumble. It'll at least keep him out of my hair while I'm stuck at home.

Unfortunately, the Demon doesn't take my advice; instead, a frown forms on his brow as we pass the hall. I usually turn down to go to my locker. "Where you going?"

"Ollie's locker." I might as well tell him. If I don't, he'll just follow me to find out. "I'm going to meet up with her, and walk her to class." I haven't seen her since Saturday night. Yesterday Andy was at my house yanking my ass out of bed first thing in the morning. A disgruntled Creed sat outside my place on his bike, and we both were hauled to base, where we scrubbed that whole place down, ceiling to floor. Andy worked our asses off, and I'm still sore from it this morning.

When we got to break for lunch, I shot Ollie a text, but ner got a reply. When I got home, I sent her several more, but again, I heard nothing from her. I know my dad's old phone is a piece of shit. It doesn't hold a charge. I need to save up and get her a new one.

"Walk her to class?' Dameon coos as he wiggles his light brown brows at me. "Alright, cuz. First the date, now walking her to class." He lays his hand on his chest and bats his eyes at me. "Why Mr. Armstrong, I do declare, you got yourself a good old-fashioned southern courtship going on with that lovely Miss Gallagher."

Irritation rakes through me as I act like I'm about to punch Dameon. He jerks back, quick like a whip, and takes off one of the branching hallways that leads to his locker. I quickly learned the little shit is quick on his feet, making him hard to catch and pummel. The benefit is the demon is smart enough to hang around to see if he's about to get the crap beat out of him or not. One quick flench like I'm about to throw a punch, and he's gone.

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