Chapter 2- Taco Tuesday & The Fight

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Chapter 2

"Dad, are you taking me class tomorrow?" Kira wanted to know.

"I can if you want me too before my meetings tomorrow." He smiled.

"Please," she said. She liked getting to spend time with her Dad.

"Alright I can take you," he said. They wrapped up their grocery shopping getting everything on the list. They walked towards the self check out stations and Kira began ringing up their items.

After joe paid the bill for their groceries he saw Ana walking out with her buggy and his daughter. She had two cases of water, plus bags of groceries. It turned out she was parked near him.

"Kirbear can you get the bags in the trunk. I'll be right back," Joe said handing Kira the car keys so she could open the trunk.

"Sure Dad," she said taking the keys and opening the trunk.

Joe went over to Ana," Let me help you with the cases of water," he offered.

"Thanks. That wasn't neccessary," Ana said picking up Sofia.

"I want to," he said as she opened her trunk and he put a case in.

"Ana, my number didn't change, why didn't you call me about our daughter?" He asked.

"Not here joe, another time okay, I need to get Sofia home," she said getting her into her car seat.

" But didn't you think I'd want to be her Dad?" he asked quietly.

"I thought you would, except for the fact you're already a husband and a father," Ana said quietly.

"I could have still been her dad," he said, "I would have found a way!"

"How exactly ?" she asked, " And what would you tell your kids about you disappearing to care for another child so often?"

"Working... something I'd figure it out Ana... she's my daughter," he said softly.

" I've told her who you are, she's just never seen you before. Can't that be enough?" she asked.

"No. I want to be her Dad. I want to be able to see her and help you with her," he said firmly.

"I'll call you tomorrow. Your other daughter is waiting for you," she said moving to get in her vehicle.

He finished putting her groceries in her trunk shut it for her. He would wait for the call, this conversation wasn't over. He went back to his car and picked up his case of water putting it in the trunk.

"Thanks for getting the bags in Kirbear," Joe said, shutting the trunk and putting the buggy away before they got in their car.

"You're welcome daddy," she said.

In the passenger seat, Kira put on her seatbelt. Joe was putting his seatbelt on too.

" We can stop for ice cream," Joe offered.

"Okay..." she said. She still didn't know why he wanted to talk to that lady so much.

He drove the ice cream place, and parked. They got out and went inside to get ice cream in cones. On the way home they were eating their ice cream.

"Dad, do you like that lady or something?" Kira finally asked, the question that had been bothering her.

"Like her? What do you mean like her? We're friends..." he said

"Dad that conversation in the parkinglot looked intense. Not exactly friendly. Plus you hardly talk to Mom now," Kira said. For an eight year old she knew too much.

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