Chapter 14 : Gymnastics

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Chapter 14

The kids were loving it.

"Thanks for movie night Dad," Griffin said.

"You're welcome bud..." joe smiled

Thursday Ana and Sofia went with Joe to watch Kira's gymnastics class.When they went in Sofia was so excited, smiling and pointing to Kira who was in her gymnastics outfit. They sat in the bleachers to watch all the gymnasts.

"Mommy wants to do that!! Just like sissy!" Sofia said brightly watching Kira

" We will sign you up for the kids class," Ana promised her.

"I wanna be with Kiwa!" Sofia said

" Kira is in the big girls class. You have to be Kira's size to be in her class," Ana explained

"Oh..." sofia pouted.

" you'll have fun in a class your size," she said

"Okay..." she said, "We dance at home."

" Sure we can dance at home," Ana said.

Sofia smiled and got snuggled onto joes lap.Joe held her in his lap as they watched Kira on the balance beam.

"So good," Sofia said.

" Yes Kira is good. She practices," he said.

"I will when I learns, promise," Sofia said.

" Alright," joe said kissing her head.

After the class ended, Ana signed Sofia up for the tumbling class. They met up with joe and Kira.

"Kira, you were very good," Ana said.

"Bootyfuls," Sofia agreed

"Thank you," Kira said with a smile. She gave Sofia a hug.

"Welcomes!" She smiled back at her new sister.

"How about we go to dinner tonight all of us?" Joe asked Kira," We can pick up you brothers."

"Okay!" Kira smiled brightly, "but... what about Rhys?"

"I'll talk to him," Joe said gently," He has to eat dinner. It will be okay."

"Okay," Kira relented. She knew better. Her brother was very upset about this all still and he wasn't gonna like this! especially after what Kira knew! He had told her all about what their mom said. Has she made him promise to be her spy back at the house. Maybe a spy wasn't a good word it's the only one she could think of.

They all headed out of the gym. Ana and Sofia promising to meet them at the restaurant. Kira went with Joe and they went to pick up her brothers.

In the car, Joe was talking to Rhys once they had picked up the boys.

"Tonight my friend Ana and your sister Sofia want to join us for dinner, would that be alright with you bud?" Joe asked him.

"Yeah, I guess, they're not going away so why fight it?" He shrugged,

"Thanks, bud it means a lot to me," he said as they got buckled up and headed out towards the restaurant.

"You're welcome.." Rhys said.

At the restaurant they walked in Ana and Sofia were waiting for them. Sofia was hiding behind Ana when she saw Rhys with them.

"Who dat?" She asked Ana.

"Your other brother," Ana answered.

Sofia peeked out from. behind Ana carefully. " I, Sofia," she said to Rhys.

"I'm Rhys," he said.

" Whys," she said testing his name.

" Hi Rhys. I'm Ana," Ana said.

"Hi..." he said politely as he sat down.

They sat down and looked at the menu." How was your day bud?" Joe asked him.

"Good, I got all my chores done as well," he said

" That's great. I'm glad," joe said," week of school left before tour starts."

"Yes, I'm excited," he said.

A waiter came to their table and everyone ordered.As they waited Rhys was quiet but polite when spoken to.

" Rhys, what kind of things do you like to do?" Ana asked him.

"Baseball!" Rhys smiled

" oh baseball is awesome!" Ana told him.

"You think so?" He asked.

"Yeah. I do think so, it really is," she said to him.

"You should come to see me play with dad sometimes," he said. His mom never came to games so it'd be great to have more support

"I'd love that," Ana said with a smile.

Joe was proud of Rhys for inviting Ana to his games. The season was over now, but he'd take Ana to see the games next season.Their food arrived and everyone was hungry.

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