Chapter 22: Park Mommy

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Chapter 22

"I could have helped, i have some cash.." Ana smiled.

"That's okay Baby. I don't mind paying," he said.

She kissed his check as they headed out, the boys helping load everything into the trunk.The groceries got loaded into the back, everything fit luckily.They all got back in the car, Joe getting Sofia strapped into her carseat and then got himself into the drivers seat.Ana got in the passenger seat and buckled up. The kids buckled up in the back.

"What do you guys wanna do today?" She asked them

"Mommy park!" Sofia said," Pwease?"

"Absolutely! Let's get home and put the groceries away and then we can go!" Ana said.

"I have some work at home to attend to, phone calls and such so anyone who wants to stay home can stay home with me," Joe said

Kira and Rhys wanted to go to the park with Sofia, to play with her. They reached the house and everyone got out. The kids started taking bags into the house.

"Thanks you guys, Griff you staying here with your dad?" Ana asked

"Yeah I'm staying home," Griffin answered.

"Alright," Ana said.

"Ana, are we cooking dinner tonight since we got groceries?" he asked before she walked out.

"I'm cooking dinner," Joe said

"Thanks," Ana said with a smile

"You're welcome babe," he smiled.

"Can i help dad?" Griffin asked.

"Sure," joe answered

Ana walked out with Kira, Rhys and Sofia.


"How are you feeling babe? do you want me to cook?" Jordan asked Jennifer, rubbing her belly.

" That would be great," Jen said.

"Okay sweetie, just take a seat or go get a bath, ill take care of making dinner..." he said.

" Thanks," Jen said and sat down

"You're welcome...." he said, then asked, "How's our little peanut doing today?"

" Good. not looking forwards to morning sickness," she said

"Maybe you'll get lucky and not have any with this one," he tried to encourage.

" We will see," she said

"I hope so, for your sake, i know your other pregnancies were pretty tough for you.." he said.

"Yeah they weren't easy," she said

"Well either way, i am still here for you, whether it be holding your hair back, making late night food runs," he began.

"And satisfying my second trimester hormones?" she finished for him.

" Absolutely," he said," everything,"

"Good, because that was pretty severe for me too...." she giggled.

He smiled," I remember," he said

"But I liked it.." she said and kissed his cheek, "I'm gonna go get that bath..."

" Alright Baby," he said with a smile

"I'll call for you if I get stuck..." she giggled.

"Alright enjoy," he said.

"I'm gonna try..." she smiled, and headed off. Jordan got started making the chicken Marsala.


Jen made her way to the master bedroom.She got some pajamas and then went to run her bath.Once the bath was ready she took off her clothes.She tested her water one last time then climbed in. It felt great. She relaxed in the warm water.She sighed and let her eyes close just to relax.

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