Chapter 3-Dance Class

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Chapter 3

The next day Joe took Kira to her dance class, for class and her party. She carried the Sugar Cookies.

"Picking me up today daddy or am I on the bus?" she asked.

"I'll pick you up after, my meeting will be over by then," Joe told her.

"Okay.. thanks daddy," she smiled.

He kissed her head and let her go," Welcome Kirbear," he said. He left as Kira went to hand the cookies to her teacher.

Joe drove to his meeting, the other guys were there as was Ana since she was back to working for them.

"So, we have new schedules and tour plans..." Ana said handing out some paperwork.

Joe looked at the rehearsal schedule for the tour.

"Fifty-two cities," Donnie said," The usual."

"Yes, but planned better with family buses for those with younger children during the summer months..." Ana said, simply.

"My kids won't come, but I hope the rest of you guys' kids will," Jordan said," Jen keeps trying to get the kids to agree to come."

"Why won't they attend? I thought Jackson loved going on tour?" Danny asked. Jackson was Jen and Jordan's oldest, 15. Then Marly at 12, and Lucas at 8, then, of course, Nyla at 7.

"Says he's not a kid anymore, would rather stay home and play video games," Jordan replied.

"And Jen just accepts that? I thought she was the hard-ass??" Jon chuckled. He loved his sister-in-law, but she was definitely a tough mama. not cruel, but strict.

"No, but we can't make him go he's getting bigger. She keeps talking to him and the other kids too. Maybe they'll come this time," he said.

"Just let us know Jordan... so we can make sure you need one, if not we won't plan to..." Ana smiled.

"Thanks," Jordan said with a smile.

"You're welcome.." Ana nodded, "And you joe? your wife and kids attending?" Jordan snickered a bit but then pierced his lips together.

"Just the kids. Grace never comes," Joe reminded.

"Okay.. but you do need the bus? for the little ones?" she asked.

"Yes I do, I'd like to have them along. They'll be happy to come," he said.

"Okay, ill make sure you have one then," she shrugged.

"Thank you," Joe said.

"Danny your girls coming?" Ana asked him.

"Absolutely," Danny answered.

"They don't miss touring! for anything!" Donnie confirmed for his friend.

"Elijah getting too old to come along?" Danny asked.

"I dunno, I can ask, but him and I won't need a whole bus.." Donnie chuckled.

"True," Danny admitted," I was just curious if he was coming. He's a good kid."

"He is.. I'll talk to the wife... she's the boss," Donnie chuckled.


The guys chuckled at that they discussed a few more things at the meeting. Then Joe stopped Ana," I'd like to meet Sofia," he said softly.

"When?" she asked, not looking up from her paperwork.

"Tomorrow afternoon. I'll take the both of you to lunch," Joe said to her.

"You're wife gonna be okay with that?" she asked.

" I don't need her permission to meet up with people I know," he said simply.

"Of course, because she doesn't know our history Joey..." she said softly.

"I'm not sorry we have a history together. It doesn't have to be over for us," he said quietly.

"You're married, it was over before we could actually begin..." she said, shaking her head and walking away from him. She'd allow him to be in Sofia's life, but she wasn't sure she could put her heart on the line again.

" That's only on paper. I'm not in love with Grace. She doesn't support me," he said sadly.

"And you sure as hell don't love me, now please, just let me do my job..." she said firmly, and walked out.

Joe sighed and didn't know what to say as she walked away from him. He left the office to go pick up Kira from dance class.


He'd try and talk to her more tomorrow when there weren't a ton of people around. He drove to the dance studio and got out walking inside. Kira was talking to Nyla.

"I wish your mom would bring you guys on tour, it's always so much fun," Kira said.

" My biggest brother doesn't want to go so none of us can," Nyla replied.

"Wow, that's not fair..." Kira said.

"Mom says he can't stay alone and she doesn't want us to go alone because I'm still young," she said.

"You wouldn't be alone, you'd be with your dad," Kira said confused.

"But he has to work. Mom wants to be there so no one gets hurt or lost or something like that," she said.

"Well, no fun... I hate being the only girl.. who will I play with?" Kira sighed.

"I dunno. Mom is trying to talk to Jackson. So maybe he will change his mind," she said.

"I hope he does," Kira said.

"Hey Kirbear," Joey said finally.

"Daddy!!! can you try and talk to uncle Jordan and see if he can convince aunt Jen to let Nyla come with us?" she said brightly.

"I can talk to Jordan yes," Joey said with a chuckle," You really want her to come this summer huh?"

"I do, I hate being the only girl..." she said softly.

"I'll see what I can do," Joey promised as Jen arrived to pick up Nyla.

"Mummy, can I go on tour? please... I wanna be with Kira..." she whimpered to her mom.

"Oh, sweetie. who will watch out for you, your Daddy will mostly be working. I'm still talking to Jackson about going so we can all go," Jen said.

"Okay...." she said sadly.

Jen put her arm around her daughter," Hey Joe. How's Grace?" Jen asked him. Even though Grace talked to no one.

"I don't even know Jen..." he sighed.

"She still not going on tour with you?" she asked him.

"She never does..." he said, shaking his head.

"You'd think with her obsession with being a mom she'd wanna be there..." she said.

" It's the one time she lets go is when I'm with the kids, but that's even rare that I get to take them places," he said.

"Well, at least you have time with them... I'm hoping I can change Jackson's mind..." she said.

"You're the mom, make him go..." he suggested.

" I might this time, the rest of the kids want to go so I might have to make it mandatory," Jen said.

"And we're all there to help, and Danny's girls are coming, they would probably help.." he said.

"Thanks," Jen said," I'll tell Jackson tonight."

"You're welcome.. have Jordan let me know..." he said.

"Will do," Jen promised," Alright Nyla time to get home."

"Okay Mummy," Nyla said and carried her dance bag. Jen and Nyla left.

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Nyla wants to go on tour. Kira doesn't wanna be the only girl among the kids :).

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