Chapter 12- The Moat

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Chapter 12

" Alright. Show me your toys and we can play," Kira said to her.

Sofia took Kira's hand and led her to her room where her dollies were.

They sat down and played with the dollies together.

"Joe, Griffin can I get you guys anything to drink?" Ana asked.

"Um, water please," griffin said softly.

" Of course," Ana said.

"Same for me Baby," Joe said.

Ana went to get two bottles of water. She handed one to each of them.

"Griffin, I heard you want to get into acting," Ana said.

"Yes, like dad.." he smiled.

Ana smiled," I think that's fantastic," she said," Do you have any auditions lined up?"

"A couple, thanks to dad, mom didn't want me to, said it wasn't guaranteed I'd make it without dad's name to back me up..." he said.

" I bet talent runs in the family, I'm sure you can do it on your own," Ana said.

"Thanks, Ana," he smiled.

" You're welcome. So tell me more about yourself," Ana said and fixed a snack.

"What would you like to know?" he asked her, "Anything specific?"

" Anything you want to share with me," she said placing the snack on the table," Hobbies ?"

"I'm learning piano, I play a bit of basketball sometimes..." he said.

" I'd love to hear you play sometime," she said," let me get the girls for a snack. Help yourself."

Ana went to Sofia's room," hey girls. I have a snack on the table. Apple slices and cheese cubes," she said.

"Okay, thank you," Kira said, as Sofia looked super excited.

"The marble cheese or the yellow cheese?" she asked.

" You're welcome," she said to Kira." marble and yellow both," Ana replied with a smile.

"YAY!" Sofia smiled and hurried out to sit on Joe's lap and pick at the cheese.

Joe put his arms around Sofia," hungry princess?" he asked.

"mhmm," Sofia said picking up a cheese cube.

Kira came to the table and sat down. She picked up an apple slice.

"how's it going?" joe asked.

" I love playing with Sofia," Kira said.

"That's good," he smiled.

Kira smiled and took a bite of the apple slice.

"Daddy song?" Sofia asked. Her favorite thing was music.

"Of course..." Joe smiled and began to sing for her.

Sofia clapped her hands after the song was over," Yay Daddy!" she said.

Griff smiled at the excitement of the little girl. They finished their snack and Sofia wanted to play with blocks with griffin and Kira. So they went to the living room. Sofia found her blocks.

"Make castle," she said.

"With a moat," Griff smiled

"Yeah!" Sofia said she liked the sound of that, even though she didn't know what a moat was.

They started building with the blocks."They seemed to be getting along..." Ana smiled

"Yes, I'm glad too. It's a bit of an adjustment for them, but I think they are accepting this well," he said with a smile. He leaned across the table and kissed her.

"So far!" She said and kissed him back.

" How was your day today Baby?" he asked Ana.

"Not too bad!!" She smiled.

"I'm glad," he said smiling," I'm thinking of writing a book about making my next solo album. What do you think about that?"

"I think that would be great! Give your fans a look into your creative process!!" She said

" I thought they might like to read about that and get the feel for what I do," he said.

"I think it's a great idea," Ana agreed.

" Thanks. I'm glad I came to see you today," he said.

"So am I Joey..." she smiled

"Do you want to come to watch Kira's gymnastics class on Thursday?" he asked her.

"I'd like that..." she smiled

"Great! " he said smiling and took her hand across the table.

"Then we have a plan," she said.


" princess tower 'punzel," Sofia said.

" a tower for Rapunzel," Kira said.

"Yes please!!" Sofia smiled.

" alright we can build a tower," Griffin said and started building one.

'Yay! thanks, gwiff..." Sofia smiled.

" you're welcome Sofia," he said

"OH! I gets 'punzel," she said, toddling off to her room. Sofia returned with the doll in her hand.

"'punzel!!!" She smiled setting her down

" yes rapunzel's house," Kira said.

Sofia smiled as they continued building. They built a grand castle. Sofia was thrilled.

"Yay!!!" She gushed clapping her hands excitedly.

" I get Mommy Daddy!" Sofia said wanting to show them. She went in to see Ana and joe smiling and stealing kisses."Mommy daddy!! Come sees!!!" She gushed.

" Okay Princess we are coming," Joe said. Sofia took his pinky excitedly. They went to the living room.

"Castle," Sofia said

"Wow! It's beautiful sweetie," Ana smiled.

" Gwiff Kiwa help," she said.

" The three of you did great," Joe said.

"Thanks!" She gushed

When they had to leave Sofia gave them hugs. Joe kissed her head," I love you Sofia," he said.

"Wuvs you Daddy," Sofia said.

Joe kissed Ana," I'll call you tomorrow Baby," he said.

"Okay ..." Ana smiled.

Joe, Griffin, and Kira got in his car. He was headed to pick up Rhys.

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