Chapter 24: Breakfast For Dinner

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Chapter 24

"Okay, sounds good..." She smiled

He leaned in and kissed her," What should we make for dinner?" he asked.

"We could do breakfast for dinner, some breakfast burritos... or regular burritos," she smiled

"Sounds good," Joe said," Breakfast Burritos."

"Yum! Great Let's get the ingredients made then we can get them put together, then in their foil and in the oven to stay warm!!" She said

They got started on the breakfast burritos for everyone.

"Sof kept asking for you all day," Ana said.

"I know... it's hard for her when I'm away..." he said.

"Yeah she doesn't understand that concept too well yet," she said.


Kira and Sofia were playing in their room.

"You okay Sof?" Kira asked her as Sofia laid her dolls down in their doll beds.

"When's Daddy coming home?" Sofia asked.

"I think he just got home sissy," Kira smiled.

" I go sees!" Sofia said jumping up from where she was sitting.

She went downstairs hoping her daddy really was home.Joe was putting together the burrito.

"Daddy!" Sofia exclaimed seeing him home.

"Hey Princess!!" He smiled brightly

"Movie wif me?" she asked him.

"When we're done getting dinner ready! Do you wanna help?" He asked.

"Otay. I help," she said.

"Okay sweetie. I'll wrap and you can put on the baking sheet," he smiled.

"Otay," she stood on a stool beside him.

He finished rolling them handed her the burrito wrapped in foil.She held it with both hands and placed it on the sheet.

"Thank you..." he said to her, as he began the next one.

"Welcomes Daddy!" she said

He kissed the top of her head and chuckled.

"You're such a big help!!" He said.

" Tanks. I wikes," she said

The doorbell sounded and Ana went to answer the door.It was Jen and Jordan and the kids.

"Hey guys!!! The kids are in their rooms playing and griff is in the music room. Jackson headed to the music room.

Jackson found Griffin," Hey Griff. you working on something?" he asked

"I am, wanna join me?" he asked with a smile, moving over on the piano bench.

"Sure," Jackson said sitting beside him.

"I'm surprised you dont play with your dad..." Griff said.

"I like to do it by myself, when no ones home really," Jackson shrugged

Griffin started playing Tiny Dancer on the piano.

Jackson smiled and when the song began he sang with Griff, they sounded great.

" We should start a band," Griffin said after they finished singing

"But with who else?" Jackson chuckled.

" We could hold auditions," he said.

"We could... but we can't both be on the piano Griff..." Jackson chuckled

" I play guitar too," Griffin said.

"Okay which do you prefer?" Jackson asked, "because I sorta know what is I but I'm not as good as you besides that I can sing sort of but that's all..."

"l'll do guitar. my dad has been training me to sing. we could sing together," he said

"Okay... so we need drums and a bass player?" Jackson asked

"Yes that's what we are looking for," he said.

Joe came into the music room," Dinner is ready," he said

"Okay.. hey dad Jackson and I... we were thinking about starting a band..." Griff said.

" That's a great idea," Joe said as they walked into the hallway. They made their way to the kitchen.

" Thanks. I'll need all the help I can get," he said.


After dinner the adults talked for a bit before Jen and Jordan gathered their kids.Once they left Sofia was at joes legs, hugging it tightly.

Joe hugged Sofia," hey princess," he said.

"Hi daddy..." she smiled

" mommy is going to give you a bath and I'll read to you," he said

"I want daddy give baths..." she pouted

" mommy will be sad if you don't let her," Joe said

"Okay... but you pwomise stories?" She said.

" Yes we will read two stories," he promised

"Okay..." she said and went to follow her mom to get her bath.

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