Chapter 27: Olive and Arrow

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Chapter 27

"It looks good," Joe smiled as the kids came back to the table.

"It does look great," Ana agreed. Joe put pizza slices on the kids plates and they carried them back to the table. They sat down to eat.

"It's real good!" Rhys smiled after a couple bites.

" Thanks," Ana said. She and Joe got pizza and sat down at the table.

"I'd like to help next time!" Rhys said after they finished.

" I'd love the help," Ana said to him.

"Okay, for now... this is amazing!!!" He gushed

" Thanks Rhys," Ana said.

"You're welcome!" He said


A few months had passed. Ana and Joey had found out they are having one of each a boy and a girl. Joe was putting together baby furniture in the nursery.

"Daddy, how much longer till my sisters get here?" Sofia asked handing her dad another paintbrush.

" a few more months. What about your brother?" He asked

"Yes brother too," she giggled

Joe smiled and continued to work. He would need to get a bigger house soon.

"Daddy this it? Now more babies?" Sofia asked

"No we will have two more after this, but not yet," Joe replied.

"Two more?" Sofia pouted, "so many..."

" Yes two more. I love having my kids, i love my kids," he said.

Sofia didn't do anything, she didn't want more siblings. She was fine with the twins. Just No more...

" Why do you ask?" Joe asked her curiously.

"Nuffin," she shrugged, then got up, "gonna find mommy,"

"Okay princess. Thanks for helping," he said.

"Welcomes," she said and went to find her mummy in the kitchen making dinner, rubbing her big belly and singing as she did everything.

"Mommy," Sofia said.

"Hey sweetie," Ana said seeing Sofia standing there," What's up?"

"Hungry," she said

"Dinner is almost ready," she said.

"Okay.... daddy said you gonna have more babies..." Sofia said softly.

"Yes we are. We decided that was the right number for this family, " she said.

"We have perfect number already..." she said

" But Daddy an I want that many kids," she said.

"Why?" Sofia asked softly. Oh the years of a child always asking why.

"Because we love babies and weren't done yet," she said.

"No wants more..: already so many of us, what if you forgets me..." Sofia whimpered

"Sof we won't forget you. You're getting to be a big girl real fast," Ana said.

"We no have room..." Sofia said softly

"Daddy is going to get us a bigger house," Ana said.

"Oh.... okay..." Sofia sighed and headed to get her sippie cup and play with her dollies.Sofia sat in front of her doll house, sipping from her cup quietly.

"Hey sissy... you okay?" Kira asked

" Dey has more babies," Sofia said softly.

"Well yeah the twins are coming in a couple months," Kira said

"No afters thats," Sofia said.

"Oh, well that's up to mom and dad," Kira said softly

"But we don'ts needs more," she said.

"Oh sissy... I'm sorry you're sad... but that's more friends to play with." Kira said

"Don'ts needs more," she said sadly.

Kira sighed and hugged her sister, "I'm here for you..."

"Tanks," she said quietly.

"You're welcome sissy, just know no matter what I'm here for you sissy...." Kira smiled. And they went on to continue playing dolls.


Jen's due date had arrived and she was at the hospital.

"I almost forgot how bad this hurt," she said softly as Jordan fed her a couple ice chips and placed a cold cloth on her forehead.

"You're doing great Baby," Jordan said encouragingly.

"Thanks my love..." she said softly, breathing thru another contraction. This one wasn't near as difficult as Jackson for her, but child birth was still painful.When it was time, her doctor came in and checked to see how far dilated she was.

"Alright Jennifer, ready for baby number five?" Dr Raid asked.

"I better be if she is coming," Jen replied.

"She is, let's do this..." he chuckled and she got moved up and feet in stirrups to give birth.


After hours of labor, and pushing. Baby girl Knight was born. Jen and Jordan were choosing her name.

"What about Finley?" Jen asked.

"I like it," Jordan said," Its cute."

"Okay, Finley Jordana Knight..." she smiled.


A few months later , Ana had given birth to the twins. Olive and Arrow. Sofia loved meeting her new siblings.

"Cute!" Sofia said upon seeing them.

"They are... aren't they?" Ana smiled looking down at her babies.

" Ollie," Sofia said.

"Olive," Ana said gently.

"Olive," Sofia repeated.

"Good, and arrow..." Ana said.

"Ar... Arwow..." she said softly.

Ana smiled," That's right," she said.

Joe came back into the room, with Donnie and Jenny. They had come to visit.

"Oh my gosh babe, look, one for each of us to hold..." Donnie grinned.

"Uncle donnie!" Sofia gushed.

"Hi cupcake," Donnie said smiling at Sofia," How does it feel to be a big sister?" he asked.

"Good, they cute, but dont do much..." she said.

"Not yet, but when they get bigger they will," he promised.

"I know, it already took them so long to grow in mommy's tummy," Sofia smiled, as Donnie picked up Olive and jenny held Arrow.

"Ana they are so cute oh my gosh," Jenny cooed.

They are.. they're perfect," Joe agreed.

" I love their names," Jenny said to them.

"I do too...." Donnie agreed.

"Ana came up with their names," Joe said.

"They're great!!" Jenny said.

They visited for awhile, and then had to go. They promised to check in again once Ana and the babies were home.


A few days later, Ana and the babies came home. Ana was so happy to be out of the hospital.

It had been a long wait and a long process for her and Joe to be back together but now, everything was exactly as it was supposed to be.

The End

Forgotten(A Joey Mcintyre/Jordan Knight Story)[Complete]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora