Chapter 25: Daddy

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Chapter 25

Ana took Sofia to the bathroom. she turned on the water

" you want toys in the bath tonight?" Ana asked her

"Yes please!!" She smiled

Ana put the bucket of toys in the tub and than undressed Sofia . Sofia climbed into the tub to play

"Mommy, why doesn't daddy do baths?" She asked

"Daddy does baths he's just had alot of work today," Ana said.

"Okay..." she said. She started to play telling stories with her toys.

Ana washed Sofia's hair while Sofia's eyes were closed. When she finished she opened her eyes. She gave her the wash cloth so she could clean her body.

She scrubbed all over and Ana helped with the parts she couldn't reach. Ana helped her wash up and wash the soap away. Then she let her sit and play some with her toys.

"Thanks mommy..." Sofia said as she got to play.

"You're welcome sweetie," Ana said with a smile.

"Can we do ice cream tonight before bed? I'll be careful.." Sofia smiled.

" I dunno," Ana said," It's late."

"Maybe tomorrow?" she asked with a smile.

" Tomorrow after dinner yes," Ana agreed.

"Okay... thats good," Sofia smiled.

Ana got Sofia out and dried off. she got her dressed in pajamas.Then she went out to find her dad.

"Daddy, story times..." she gushed.

"Alright what are we reading tonight?" he asked with a smile.

"You picks..." she giggled.

Joey went to her books and picked out, Bambi and another book about ducks.

"OO, i wike this one..." she smiled pointing to Bambi.

" Okay this one first then," he said as they got snuggled on her bed.

"love you..." she cooed.

" I love you too princess," he said kissing her head. He opened the book and started reading the story of Bambi to her.

She tried to stay awake, but the bath and the calmness of her daddy's voice, she fell asleep finally.

Joe kissed her head gently and got up, covering her with her blanket. He let her sleep. Kira was getting into bed.

"Night sweetheart," he said to Kira, kissing her head too," I love you."

"Love you too daddy..." she smiled.He tucked her in and headed to say goodnight to the boys.

""Sleep well boys..." he said as he peeked in.

"Good night Dad," they said together.

He smiled and went to join Ana in bed.Ana had just changed and was crawling under the covers," The kids all tucked in?" she asked.

"Yes," he said with a yawn. It had been a long day.

Ana leaned over and kissed Joe," I bet you're worn out," she said.

"I am... it went easy but still a huge relief.. " he said.

"I know you're glad it's official now," she said," Sof wanted to know why you didn't give baths."

"Oh.... what'd you tell her?" i asked.

" That you had alot to do today," she replied.

"The ex used to lecture me about I'm a guy she's a little girl..." he said rolling his eyes.

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