Chapter 13-Pizza Dinner

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Chapter 13

"Did you guys have fun today?" he asked.

"I did," Kira said.

"Me too," Griffin said.

"Good, do you like Ana?" he asked.

"She's nice," Kira said.

"Yeah," Griffin said.

"Okay, you know if you don't it's okay to tell me.." he said.

"She's very nice," Griffin said," We are just getting used to it."

"I know bud, thank you for trying.." he said.

"You're welcome Dad," he said.

Joe arrived at their grandmother's to pick up Rhys. Griffin got out to go up to the door to get Rhys.

Grace answered the door. glanced out and whispered something to Griff. Griff came back to the car.

"Mom wants to talk to you..." Griff said to joe.

"Alright," Joe said with a sigh and got out of the car. He walked up to the house's door," Grace," he said by way of greeting.

"Joe... so you were cheating huh? have another child?" she asked and rhys breezed past them to go to joe's car.

" You and I were over for a long time Grace. I just didn't make it officially over til now," he said.

"Still doesn't mean you can cheat on me," she said.

" I didn't set out to, I just happened to find someone who understood me better," he said.

"And had a child with her? did you really think Rhys wouldn't tell me?" she asked.

" I was hoping he'd work through this by talking to me, not just telling you," he said.

"He was so upset joe, he was crying I begged him to talk to me.." she said.

"Well, he can be upset. I didn't expect him to be thrilled, but he can talk to me since it's about something I've done," he said.

"Well he talked to me first.... maybe ask him where he wants to be...." she said.

"I did ask him where he wants to live. If he changes his mind he needs to tell me. I have to go now, I need to feed them dinner," he said angry with her.

She just rolled her eyes and shut the door. He went back to the car and Rhys almost looked scared.

"I'm sorry dad, she kept begging me to tell her what was going on.." he said softly, looking a bit scared Joe was gonna be upset.

"Bud, Mom doesn't understand the way I am or what I need. Talking to her about me is only going to complicate things more. You could have come to me, I don't want you to be upset," he said.

"I didn't go to her, she came to me asking what was going on at the house, I didn't want to tell her... but she kept badgering me..." Rhys said tears welling in his eyes.

"It's okay. I love you, " Joe said gently to him.

"I love you too dad..." he said softly.

" How does everyone feel about going out to dinner?" he asked them as he started the car up to drive.

"Sounds good dad.." Griffin said.

"Okay," Kira and Rhys said.

"Where do you guys want to eat?" he asked them.

"Pizza!" Kira smiled.

"Yeah," Griffin and Rhys agreed with her.

"Alright. Pizza it is," Joe said and drove to their favorite pizza restaurant.

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