Chapter 20: Trip To The Zoo

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Chapter 20

They all visited a bit more before showtime.The next morning Joe, Ana, Sofia, Kira, Rhys and Griffin went to the zoo.

"What do you guys wanna see first?" Joe asked them.

"Monkeys," Sofia said

"The monkeys?" Joe smiled.

"Yeah, dad can we?" Rhys asked

" Alright," Joe agreed

"I think we should see the giraffes after that," Kira smiled

" We can do that," he said. they walked towards the monkeys

"Hey dad.. can I call mom tomorrow? Just to check in?" Rhys asked

" Of course," Joe said

"Okay, I just wanna see how she's doing..." he said.

" That's perfectly okay," he said

"Thanks, dad," he smiled as they reached the monkies. They watched the monkies swinging from one branch to another

"They funnies..." Sofia smiled.

" They are huh?" Ana said.

"They are! flying all over.." Sofia grinned, giggling as they did.

" They certainly are," she said with a smile

"Like daddy and uncies dancins on the stages," Sofia giggled.

" oh really?" Joe asked

"Yes! Haves wuns and crazy!!" She confirmed.

" yes we have fun," Joe agreed laughing

"Lots... like monkeys..." she giggled.

" Are you calling me a monkey?" he asked tickling her.

"No," she giggled, trying to squirm away.Joe chuckled and tickeled her more."Daddy daddy top!!" she laughed.

Joe stopped, smiling," wasn't it fun?" he asked

"Yes but now I haves to tinkles," she giggled.

" I'll take her," Ana said taking Sofia's hand, to go find the bathrooms

"Thanks mommy, laughed too much.." she smiled as they went in.

" That can happen," Ana said gently

As soon as Sofia got on the potty she let it go. "I almost not makes it.." she sighed with a smile.

" That wouldn't be good," Ana said.

"No I'd feel really bad..." she said softly.

"It's okay sweetie you made it," she said

"I dids..." Sofia smiled as she flushed.

"Don't forget to wash your hands," Ana said

"Yes mommy..." she said softly, and did as she was told and jumped when the dryer came on. it was very loud.once finished they left the bathroom and met up with the others. they started walking towards the giraffes.

"Feel better sweet pea?" Joe asked her, letting her sit on his shoulders.

" Yup Daddy!" she said

"You okay being up there? or is it too high?" he asked holding her hands.

" It otay," she answered

"Okay, we can be like the giraffes nice and tall.." he smiled.

" yay!" she cheered excitedly," I likes dat."

"Me too!!" he said.They watched the giraffes.

"Kiwa likes the giwaffes," Sofia said

"I do!" Kira agreed, "I wanna be tall like them!"

" You can grow up tall," Joe said to her

"And get more graceful!!" Kira smiled

" You are graceful sweetheart," he said gently

"You think so daddy?" She smiled

" I know so sweetheart. i've seen your grace in class and recitals," he said.

"Thanks daddy..." she smiled.

"You're welcome," Joe said as they walked through the zoo and visited animals.

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