Chapter 18: Another Negative

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Chapter 18

"Yes. I want to be there when our baby is born," he assured her.

"I know you do..." she smiled.

They lay talking until they were tired and drifted off to sleep too.


In the morning, the bus pulled into a gas station."Mommy.. potty," Sofia said. Ana took her to the bus bathroom to go potty.Once Sofia finished, she washed her hands. Then they went to sit back down.

"why we stopped?" she asked her mom.

"The bus driver has to feed the bus, so it will drive," Ana said.

"Oh... okay.." she smiled.

Once the bus was fueled up and ready. The driver checked that everyone was on board. Everyone was there, so he started driving again.

Sofia went over to Joe," Daddy Story," she said.

Joe got up and got the book out and they settled on the bed, he started to read a story from the book to her.

"Need more books," she giggled. They'd read from this one a few times but she loved it.

"it would be hard to bring more books when traveling," joe said.

"Just a couple daddy," she smiled.

"you have books at home princess. This book has bunches of different stories," joe said

"Okay..." She said softly.

Joe finished reading the story. Sofia got her doll.

"Naps..." she said with a yawn.

"Alright, princess. Lay down and take a nap," He said kissing her head as she hugged her Dollie and laid down to close her eyes. He let her be after he tucked her inside.

He found Ana reading a book. He sat down beside her. " by the time we get there she'll be waking up," he said.

"Probably.. what's the plan for dinner tonight then? Catering or going out?" She asked

"Probably catering, I hope that's okay," Joe said.

"It's fine! Catering is always good!" She said

"Great. I'm glad you're okay with that," he said smiling," Your book any good?"

"Yes so far," she smiled

"I'm glad you are enjoying it," he said with a smile.

"I am... you should read it when I'm done... I think you'd enjoy it too," she said

"I'd love to read it after you finish it," he said.

They arrived at the venue and Sofia was waking up,"Mommy?" she called out.

"I'm here princess.." Ana said going to her side.

" Water pwease," she said

"Okay sweetie.." Ana said, getting her some in her sippie cup.

" Tanks Mommy," she said taking her cup.The bus parked and they were climbing off.

Joe held Sofia on his hip, as they entered into the venue. The older kids stayed out in the parking lot to kick the ball about.

"Hi Uncies!" Sofia said spotting the other guys.

"Sofia!!" they all gushed at her.Sofia waved from where she sat on her dad's hip.

He set her down and she waddled over to hug each uncle individually.

"Hey Jordan, where is Jennifer?" Joe asked him.

"Resting..." he said, "Tour's taking a toll, long hours, thankfully the kids always have supervision..."

"SO! Tonight should be amazing... Did you see all the tents outside?" Jordan smiled.

". Im sure it will. Every night has been amazing," Joe said with a smile.

"We should go say hello to a few at the gate..." Donnie said.

" I'll have to leave Sofia outside with Ana," Joe said.

"Okay... then let's go say hello yeah?" Danny smiled.

Joe picked up Sofia," Sure," he said. He went outside where Ana was with the kids," Going to say hey to some fans," He told Ana handing her Sofia.

"Sure go have fun," Ana said with a smile, as she held Sofia. She felt her squirming and set her down.

"Sofia sighed and went over to the other kids to play.

Joe went with the guys to say hello to the fans by the gate.

"Hey guys!!" Donnie said as they approached it.

"Donnie hi!" a girl said waving," I'm a Donnie Girl For Life!"

"IS that so?!" he smiled.

"Since i was 19!!" she smiled brightly.

"That's a long time," Donnie said," I'm happy to hear that."

"I cant believe i am finally meeting you guys..." she said.

" We love meeting the fans," Donnie said.

"I am finally gonna make the cruise next year," she smiled, "for now can we take a selfie?"

"Sure we can take a selfie," Donnie said.They took a selfie together and the rest of the guys chatted and took selfies with the other fans.Then they headed back inside for Meet n Greet.


Jennifer tossed another negative test into the trash. two negative, one positive, but she didn't trust the positive test. She knew they'd be adopting, but they had still tried for quite a while before they decided that, so maybe there was still a chance.... but one out of three wasn't enough to make her feel better yet...She sat on the bed sighing. She didn't know how to feel better right now.Getting up she washed her face and wiped it off to hide the tears and went to join Ana and the kids.

"Hey Jen, how are. you feeling?" Ana asked gently.

"I'm okay i guess...." Jen smiled, "Just tired..."

"If you want to talk a bout anything I'm listening," Ana said.

"Just more negatives Ana..." she smiled.

"Im sorry Jen. I know that has to be rough and draining," she said gently.

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