Chapter 26: Tea Party

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Chapter 26

Sofia found Joe," Daddy, come play tea party?" she asked him after The Knights had left.

"Of course sweetie..." he said softly, "but then I have to go work...

"Otay," she said sadly. She liked playing with her Daddy.

"But when I work you can play on the floor in my office okay?" He promised

"Otay," she agreed. They went into the bedroom where the tea party was set up.

"Aww thanks sweetie! It's beautiful," he smiled and sat down as she "poured" their tea.

" only da best," she said. She stirred her tea with a spoon.

"Always is the best tea with you!" Joe nodded in thanks.

"Tanks Daddy," she said smiling. They chatted and sipped tea. After tea party was over, Sofia sat in Joe's office coloring. Joe was on the phone doing a phone interview.

"So joe how are you handling working from home? Enjoying your time off the road?" The interviewer asked.

" I'm spending time with the family. I am loving the time off from the road, though I miss traveling and performing," he answered.

"Have you guys discussed the next tour?" She asked.

"We are going to be going into the studio soon like in two weeks to start work on a new album," he said.

"That's great! I know the fans are anxious! So how's home life? We've heard the rumors about the divorce being final... are you willing to confirm or deny?" She asked

Joe sighed," Yes my divorce is final," he said.

"And are you okay through that?" She asked gently.

"I'm fine. It was something that needed to happen. We weren't compatible," he said.

"Okay, I have a fan question.... from Sara all the way in your home city of Boston," she said, "will you think of doing more broadway in the future?"

"I'm open to more broadway for sure," Joe answered," I love it."

"Any other projects you'd like to do in the future?" She asked.

"I'd like to write a book about my life," Joe said.

"Really?! What made you want to do that?" She asked

" I just thought it would be nice to tell my life story," he said," Straight from me."

"No more questions or rumors! That's a good plan! If you're gonna do that, got any rumors you'd like to put to rest for us right now?" She asked hoping he'd have something to share

" Not that I'm aware of any rumors floating around right now," he said.

"There are a couple," she said honestly

"Well I haven't heard them so I wouldn't know how to answer unless I hear them," he said.

"Okay, the main one is That you're seeing someone already and she's pregnant," she said.

"I guess no one can keep their mouths shut. Yes I'm seeing someone, she's expecting so that's true," he said.

"I apologize joe, my intentions weren't to offend you!" She said.

" I was waiting to announce formally that I'm with someone I care about alot. It's not your fault others talk," he said.

"Well joe, I for one am happy for you! You seem happier out with the kiddos!" She said honestly.

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