Dangerous Liason pt 1

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Natalie pulled up to the house where the sibling lovers reside

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Natalie pulled up to the house where the sibling lovers reside. She parks the car and turns it off and gets out.

She locks the door behind her. She walks to the house and unlocks the door and walks in. She hears that its still quiet. She smirks, she does a spell to make it sound like an alarm is going off in all the rooms.

She goes into the kitchen and start breakfast. She turns as she hears groan coming towards the kitchen.

She stops the spell as she sees everyone. "Good morning!"

They all roll their eyes as they sit on the stools at the island.

Natalie puts eggs, bacon and the pancakes on a plate. She hands each one of them a plate and forks. She gets her plate and stands in front of them.

They all begin eating.

"So what is the plan for today?" Carmen ask as she looks up at Natalie.

"We're going dress and suit shopping."

Amoura looks confused. "For?"

"The Mikaelsons are throwing a ball for Esther return. I honestly think the bitch is up to something."

They all stare at her as she begins to rant.

"Like who just comes back from the dead and says she wants them to be a family again like your son killed you. Then you claim their monsters which it's your fault because you're the one that turned them into vampires. And their not even monsters if her and Mikael loves them right they wouldn't even be like this."

She turns to see the amused look on all their faces. "What I just have a very strong opinion of that topic. Now eat and get dressed we don't have all day. I want to get my hair braided."

She quickly eats and puts her plate in the sink. She fixes her a cup of apple juice and sits on the couch and puts the tv on.

She puts on criminal minds. She was currently on season 13 episode 16. She probably shouldn't watch it as it was making her mad.

She seriously hated Linda Barnes and wanted her to jump off a clip and die. But she couldn't lie Spencer looked good as a professor and don't get her started on Luke, JJ, and Penelope. Matt and his wife were just bonus at this point she thought the whole cast was gorgeous.

She missed Derek and Aaron though they were her favorite characters plus Penelope. If she wasn't watching that she was watching teen wolf. She just started that and she only like Derek, stiles, coach, Issac and Melissa. She was on season 2.

"I can't stand that old wrinkle face bitch." Natalie muttered.

She continues to watch the episode and exhales. She pauses the tv and exits out of Netflix. She walked into the kitchen.

"I'm going to head to Klaus. Text me when your done getting ready."


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