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Now it is the morning and Elijah is about to start his day.

Elijah getting out of his bed, doing his morning routine before heading out to go see his father Maurizio. Elijah figured that they could spend some time together. They didn't really do that type stuff when Elijah was younger.

Elijah pulled up to his father's home seeing his father on the steps just waiting. Elijah steps out of the car and both men greet each other then going inside. Hours pass by while Elijah is with his father. But while Elijah was trying to have an easy day half of his daughters were calling him. He did not answer the phone because he knew what they were going to say.

Maurizio took notice from seeing Elijah not answering his phone, wondering what is going on. Maurizio putting the effort to talk first on what was bothering his son. Elijah told Maurizio everything about the girls on what they are trying to do. Maurizio laughed at that. Not helping Elijah one bit.

"Well what do you think I should do".

" Son, you are a grown man. You chose."

" Just make sure that you are happy".

Maurizio and Elijah returned into the house for a while more. Before it got to dark out Elijah returned home to his house. Elijah made is way to the couch, as he sat there, listening to nothing. The house was too quiet. He missed it when the girls were younger. Elijah pulls himself off of the couch to go to bed.

-----The next day-----

It took some time for Elijah to get out of bed because he was thinking. When he did get out the bed, he got himself dressed and headed to his office. His office has a computer in there. He steadied himself down on the chair logging into the computer, hesitantly looking up dating websites. Hoping that he does not regret what he is about to do. And of course he could not find the correct sites so he shut it down.

Dishearten by it. He got a call from his son Gabriel to met up at the office for lunch. Elijah got ready in no time. Gabriel and Elijah sat together eating lunch in thick silence.

" Okay what's wrong dad?"

Elijah did think about lying to his son but though not. So Elijah told him everything. Which he was not surprised because his sisters spilled everything when Gabriel questioned them about dad.

" Is this something you would like to do?" I mean try to find someone?" Gabriel said.

" I guess. The thing is I have not  been on a date in my life".

" I have someone in mind that I think you both will balance each other out."

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