The Event Part : 2

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Luca -

I heard about this event, the ball. I wondered if I will able to go, I don't thinks so. And if I do, I will be a guard at the ball other than to enjoy it.

My father just told me that I will be going as security guard I am a little bothered but I will see Elena again. I tried to stay close with her even since that incident in England. As I am getting ready I am thinking about her.


The main room of Gabriel's house is packed with many people. Watching the people walking around just in case something bad happens. Sad part I am getting bored standing here.

Gabriel walks in with his wife and his sons following by his sisters and his brother. They took the middle floor to greet all of the people that came. Luca sees the whole family and he saw Elena and Luca's heart raced seeing Elena in her dress.

The green dress went perfect with her light tan skin

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The green dress went perfect with her light tan skin. Her black hair pinned up, showing her neck. So show off her simple drop diamond earrings and her silver necklace. Luca was falling in love with Elena Salvatore.

Gabriel started to make his speech with his wife by his side.

" Welcome to my home. This event is for us all, to established our alliances again or to make new ones. And we are doing both on this night". " Now we all know certain party has been causing all of us trouble. I have been taking care of this problem".

Gabriel turns to his personal men and nods his head. The men disappear to bring someone front and center.

The men brought a young woman in front of Gabriel. She has fair white skin, wear a deep purple dress that was truly beautiful on her. Gabriel grabs the hand of the unknown woman turns her around.

" To everyone here I have another important alliance to make. This right here is Anna. She is from Poland and she will be about of this family". "Julian, come here."

Julian came up to his brother hesitantly. He was hoping that Gabriel was not doing what he was going to do. But deep down he knew that I was going to happen.

" Julian, my brother will be marrying Anna here, as an alliance between Italy and Poland".

Julian was not happy about this, he had no say in this. He has to accept this outcome. Everyone moved in the dinner room, all took there seat's to wait for their food. Julian and Anna were forced to sit together, they refused to talk to each other.

The dinner went smoothly for what it was giving. When dinner was done all followed the boss outside were there was soft violin music. Elena walked to the soft music and stayed close to the music. Luca made his way to Elena so he could say close to her. 1 hour into the party everything became quiet before gun fire went out. The gun fire was coming from the backyard everyone hit the ground. Luca grabbed Elena to put her on the ground to keep her safe. He was shielding her with his body to keep her safe. The bullets were hitting the house, pieces of the wood of the house fell down on Elena and Luca.

Gabriel jumped on his family to keep them safe while his men surrounded him to protect him. All of the men at Gabriel's house were trying to get their families, their children and wives inside the house while they shot back.

Only a few minutes lasted, only leaving the Salvatore men outside. Out of the shooting only a few people dropped. One among the people that dropped was Anna. She got shot in the head. So much of the alliance now.

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