The Big Reveal

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Emma -

Elijah made a call to everyone that was important to us after our breakfast. Which Elijah cooked for us both and we ate in bed. After he got off the phone he looks at me and gives me a kiss, now we wait for the others to arrive here.

Gabriel -

I was in a meeting when my secretary comes in to deliver me a message. I read the message real fast seeing that my father needs me to swing by the house as soon as possible. I wonder what it could be?

Amelia -

I was it work in my office when my father called me to tell me that I am needed to be at his house immediately. So I close my computer heading to my car. As I get to my car, driving out I stop at the coffee shop ordering a cup to go. Going back to my car going to my father's place.

All of the girls get the car from there father. Rowan came in with her children. Seeing her sisters and her nieces and nephews all in the living room together.

The Rowan saw her father and her stepmother there in the room. Going over to greet them before taking a seat. Gabriel was the last one to arrive. All were wondering what the matter was for called so immediately.

Elijah began to talk.

" So, it has been a month since me and Emma came back from our honeymoon. Just recently Emma has been feeling sick. Not herself, and I was worried. We went to the doctor's today and we found out something very good in my opinion."

" Emma here is pregnant". " With Twins".

Almost everyone in the room, besides the children were silent until half of the girls jumped up in excitement. Running to Emma giving her hugs and talking to her. All were happy about this news, more additions to add to the family.

It was very happy news to all of Salvatore household.

Over time Emma's tummy grew and she had the help of Elijah everyday and the others helped her, so Elijah could have a break. Today was the day to find out the genders of the twins. So Emma and the girls went to the doctor's and the genders of the babies. Emma wanted to surprise Elijah about the genders of the babies, Emma has the help of the girls to pull it off.

Emma got the results of the babies genders. Then the next stop was the cake for the reveal when they return home. It only took an hour until going back home. The girls told Emma to sit while everyone cooked dinner. Emma sat in the chair in the kitchen next to Elijah. Elijah rubbed Emma's shoulders while Elijah's older kids cook dinner.

Everyone sat down at the table to dig in the food. But mainly for Elijah he wanted to know what the genders are so very badly.

Now it was time for the cake. The dinner table was surrounded by family while Emma and Elijah cut into one cake to reveal gender one of the babies. And it came out as BLUE! The next cake that they cut came out as PINK! Elijah laughed at that, already having 9 daughters now making it 10 and 2 sons. At this moment in time Elijah felt like nothing could take away this feeling.

All grabbed a slice of cake and went to the living to watch a movie together. By that all of the adult kids of Elijah stayed the night at their father's house. But soon they left after their father woke them up.

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