Elena at 20

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Elena is now 20 years old and she is one the best students at the college. In the beginning years at college she made a lot of friends. And the people she made friends with, they soon found out who her family is and they broke off contact with her.

Elena didn't understand after until she read her comments on her social page. The friends she made fastly lost them. During that time to now people on campus were looking at her cautiously. All of the people she passed moved out of her way. She did get a job as an assistant for a firm. But the job was horrible, the other females at this firm are major sluts. And they give Elena a hard time, they try to make her look bad to the boss. And sometimes it works, and yes everyone knows about her family.

Elena was returning back to her flat from her classes. Once she got in locking her door putting her things on the table. Going to the fridge to grab a water bottle. She took a gulp when she turned around seeing three people she did not expect seeing. Her three nieces, Luna, Parker, and Ellie in her flat.

" Hey Aunt". Said Parker.

"How did all of you get here? The door was locked? how d-did..."

" Aunt Elena we need a place to stay for awhile". Said Luna stepping forward to Elena.

" Does your mother know that yall are here"?

All of the girls said yes. Elena did not believe them one bit. Elena's phone ringed and she saw it was Amelia, the girls mother. Elena pickup the phone.

" hello".

" Ah Elena, my stupid daughters are having a fit and they ran away. Do you know where they are?"

The triplets are waving their hands "no". But Elena spoke.

" Yes, they are actually in my flat right now. I just found them here".

" Ah Thank you baby sis."

The phone call ended and then Elena's door was knocking. Elena went to it, opening it up showing Amelia.

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