Working Away

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Elena -

As I am doing work for Julian I am also finishing up college. The days I am at the building I am started to find out that my brother has many one night stands. Damn sure I do not want to know about my brothers sex life, but the women that come here to the building. The words they say it disgusting.

On certain days when it gets bad Luca comes by to see me. Sometimes we get to talk and have lunch together in the break room. It's good to have him around. I was in the copy room getting some paper that I copied from my computer. Once I got the papers I walked back to my desk. My phone rang, it was Julian he wanted me in his office. Making sure the papers were safe until I get back. I knocked on the door waiting for approval to enter which I got.

Turns out Julian just wanted me chill with him, he wanted me to take a break. And to talk about the gathering. It was like a ball of sorts, all of the powerful families come together for like alliances and or to make new alliances.

Julian starts talking about how mom and dad want him to settle down. Julian unleashed his feelings about this whole thing. Julian's cell phone started to ring, Julian answers it.

Elena get up to leave the office so he could talk in private. Elena turns back around to Julian seeing his face kind of pale. Then all hell broke loose. There was this sound like a sharp whip. Elena hit the door with such impact Julian ran to her and brought her to his desk. Julian flip his desk for protection. Julian pulled out his gun behind his back, reaching for his cell phone. Julian checked Elena and he saw that she got shot in the left shoulder.

Julian's close friends came into the office to help Julian. The first shot that hit Elena more started to enter the building. Julian's close friends were returning shots. Julian got ahold of Gabriel and he was telling him what was happening at this moment. Julian pushed Elena to Axel and Axel got Elena out the door way to a corner. Soon the other followed, they got to the underground parking garage. Julian picked up Elena and carried her to their car. Everyone got in and speed out fast, trying to get home.

Once on the road Julian looked at Elena's wound. It was bad, by the looks of it the bullet could have broken her collar bone. He was putting pressure on her wound. All was still for a moment until the guys heard tires screeching, Axel was the one driving. The screeching car was on the tail of their car. Started to open fire and Julian and the others did the same. Axel began to shake them loose, safely getting away from the unknowns.

Turning down a road the guys see a road block, and they know that the road block is not about of them. Axel choose to hit full speed against the road block. Julian shielded Elena with his body when they rammed into the road block.

They were able to get through the road block. Axel saw the boss, Gabriel further down the road. Gabriel got out of the car and waited for the others. Julian pulled Elena out and carried her, Gabriel took a look at Elena he told Julian and the others to get in the car. All were about to do to so when more cars were coming to Gabriel and company. Gabriel pulled out a massive gun and start to shoot at the cars, no way in hell that any person will harm his family nor his empire. Others that were with Gabriel started to shoot as well the only cars that remain turned around.

Gabriel knew who was behind the attack, the polish mafia. The Salvatore company got back into the cars and went home. Gabriel found out that Julian was shot as well so Gabriel carried Elena to their medical wing at Gabriel's house. Gabriel told everyone to get themselves checked out. Elena went into surgery and she came out just fine. Not long after Elijah and Emma arrived at Gabriel's house. Gabriel updated Elijah about the polish.

The Devil : Book 2 Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora