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Gabriel called the woman he thought would be great for his father. He told her to come to his office. After he got off the phone with her he called his father to come to his office.

Elijah stepping into the office seeing his son and unknown woman who caught his eye.

"Father, with is Emma Beaumont."

" Hi, I'm Elijah."

" Nice to meet you".

Gabriel smiling, and leaving the room so they can talk. Elijah started to get nervous seeing his son leaving.

" You nervous?".

" What? No, of course not".

" I'm nervous as well. This is my first step getting back into dating". " Its been awhile since last time".

Elijah and Emma talked for a few more minutes before leaving the office. Elijah and Emma gave each other their numbers and where to have their date. Which Elijah marked on his calendar on his phone, just 2 days from now. He was really nervous about the whole thing.

------ 2 days later----

Elijah was getting ready with a nice suit when someone rang the door bell. He went to the door seeing his daughters coming in like a chaos train talking to themselves and going to his room.

1 hour later -

Elijah is running out of the house because Amelia was trying to put some make up on him for his date. Pulling out of the drive way fast, to get away from his daughters and he didn't want to be late for his date. He was going on an a date. He couldn't believe it.

Arriving at the place of the choosing which was a restaurant that had the best Veal, as the words of Emma said to Elijah. Stepping out of the car fastly walking inside, worried that he was late. Went to the front asking about the table was reserved from earlier under the name Salvatore. The waiter bought him to his table seeing Emma was already there. He though that he was late, he has never been late in his life.

After the waiter left. Elijah begin.

" I am so sorry. I have never been late in my life to anything. My daughters heard about this and I ran when one of them started to put make up on me..."

He stopped when he heard laughing coming from Emma. He loves her laugh.

" I'm sorry, you are not late. Are are actually early. And its a little bit funny about the make up situation."

" I can tell that you are nervous, I am too."

Both talked the night away. Elijah told Emma everything about him. He did not want to lie to her, he believed that would be wrong. She accepted him completely. Which he was grateful for that. Emma told a little bit herself. That she is a widower for some years now. He was killed from a robbery gone wrong. He was a good man to her. She never had children but she would like to have least one but she knows that wouldn't happen.

She would like to meet all of his children if that was able to do. Elijah was all for it. Other than his children and grandchildren that made him happy. Being with Emma made him a different kind of happy. He dropped Emma off at her home along walking her up to her door.

Returning home smiling like a teenage boy. Before he went to bed he called Emma to ask her the next date. The next date was planned. After dating for at least for 2 months Elijah and Emma are very serious.

Emma has met all of the children and the grandchildren. She never seen so much children and happiness mixed in all together. Elijah took his son and one of his daughters with him to a store. But not any store, it was a jewelry store.

Gabriel smiles at his father and Rowan drops her mouth then similes. They helped him chose a ring for Emma. Picking the right ring, wrapping it up nicely leaving the store heading home to decorated the place. And the good thing the others had no idea what will happen. All of the family was there. The house was packed.

Emma came to the party, she believe it was a gathering. She gets in the backyard seeing Elijah. Both hugging and giving each other kisses. Elijah quiets the crowd gulping looking at Emma starting his speech. When he was talking half of his daughters were tearing up. Babies. Elijah gets down on one knee pulling out the box of the ring. Saying the words.

"Emma, Will you marry me".

Having tears down her face.


The crowd cheered. All of the children surrounded the new couple.

The party went long into the night. Elijah never letting Emma go. Rowan saw her father on the dance floor slow dancing before leaving with her husband and children. Soon or later everyone at the party left leaving the new couple alone.

And the new couple made the alone time worth wild. We leave it at that.

The Devil : Book 2 Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora