Part 4. Zandvoort

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You get off the plane and a taxi drives you to the track. You race earlier this weekend because f1 will also race at the same track. When you get in the garage your team boss comes to you. "That was an amazing drive Emma, i need to talk to you. You got a second?" You nod and follow him. "Take a seat." You sit down. "I'm just going to be straight to the point. They loved you." You smile. "That's nice." He stops smiling. "I don't think you understand. They want you Emma. Williams offers you a contract. Latifi is retiring." Your mouth falls open. "You're joking right? Please tell me you're joking?" He shakes his head. "I am not." You jump up from your chair but immediately sit down again. You look down. "If i do. What does that mean to my championship?" He knows he is going to tell you something you don't want to hear. "You have to give it up. Jamie will win." You look straight forward. "Well then tell Williams they can ask another person." You get up and walk away before he can say anything. You don't know if that was the right decision, but you worked very hard for the points you have. You are not going to throw that away to become a second driver. You walk out the garage and sit on the ground in the pitlane. Your head is in your hands. Suddenly you hear someone taking a seat next to you. "Well, this isn't comfortable is it?" You recognize the voice. You look next to you and see George. "Hey, what are you doing here." He looks forward. "I don't know if you noticed, but im a racing driver and this is a race track." You giggle. "I'm sorry you're right." You look down to the ground. "Why are you sitting on the ground." You  raise your shoulders. He whispers. "I know you rejected the offer." You look shook. "You know about the offer?" He nods. "They asked what I thought about your driving. I said it was a potential champion." You smile because of his kind words. "I am not quitting w-series George, my championship. All the time and work and i.." you can't finish your sentence. "Shh. Calm down everyone hears you. I know it, but if i may give you some advice. This offer isn't going to get to you twice. Its now or never." He stands up, rubs over your hair and leaves. His words make you feel like you made a mistake. You stand up and walk back to the office. You open the door, get in an lean on the desk where your teamboss is still sitting in the same position. "I'll do it, but we are going to do it my way."

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