Part 34. Russell

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Christian looks at you and points to the chairs without saying anything. You both take a seat and Christian starts talking. "Well if you two are 100% sure. I guess that means you are official out of formula one." You sigh. "And what if i leave alone?" Christian sits back with his arms crossed. "That will do, then there is no problem." You look at Max. "Then I'll quit." Max wants to say something but he sees that you don't want to hear it. Christian shows an article on his laptop. "We have something else, look who published the picture." Max slams his fist on the table and walks out. You and Christian walk after him. Max walks fast in to the paddock. He sees a group of drivers standing. Including George. He yells from the top of his lungs. "RUSSELL." George turns around and before he can say anything Max punched him in the face. George doesn't hesitate and give Max a punch in his eye as well. Carlos gets George and you grab Max. Christian screams at them. "You two are unbelievable, get out of my sight.Right now." You grab Max his hand and take him to the Williams motorhome. Charlotte accepts the fact that you took Max along. You go to your room and clean him up a bit. He has a black eye. You kiss him gently on his forehead. "My angry man, why did you do that." Max looks down, he is ashamed. "It wasn't his right to make this a public thing." You nod. "You're right, but this didn't make it any better." You hold him tight, he had no bad intentions. There is a knock on the door. You open it and see Lando. "Hey, how did you get in here?" He closes the door. "I sneaked in."  He walks further and looks at Max. "Ouch, what happened out there." Max sighs and stays silent. You take the lead. "George took a picture of me and Max and published it on the internet. We were kicked out of formula one, but i left alone so Max can continue. Im not racing anymore Lando."  Lando looks shocked. "No no that can't be, right?" You look him in the eyes and nod. "You're serious? Fuck." He thinks for a second then walks out. "I'm going to set this straight." You see how he walks out, you and Max look at each other. What is he going to do?

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