Part 37. Hospital

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Without even asking questions you and Max run to the car. You drive to the hotel and grab all of your stuff. Then Jeff takes you to Max his jet and it flies off to Monaco, where your dad currently lives. It's an short flight. You are so worried that it feels like you could throw up any second. Max notices it and grabs your hand. "Love it's going to be fine. We will land in a few minutes." His voice is so calming. You rest your head on his shoulder and the plane lands. You two get out and Jeff takes you to the hospital. You both walk to the desk and you take the lead. "We are here for Wilson." She nods. "Room 202." You look at the signs and go to the second floor. When you walk in the room you see your dad taking a sip of his tea. "Hey pumpkin." You run over and give him a big hug. "What happened." A nurse walks in and greets you. "He fell down the stairs. He broke his arm and a few ribs but i think he will be fine." You sigh. Max hugs you. "See no worries." You look at him. "Well we need to fly back you have a race tomorrow." You look at the nurse. "Can we take him with us to turkey?" She nods. "Yeah sure, i make up the papers and then you can leave." Max walks after her to sign some things. You look at your dad he looks worried. "Look Em, I haven't been to a race since.. well you know." You hug him tight. "Mom would be so proud, i think you will love it." He nods. "Okay then. Lets go." You help him up and you grab all the bags. You call Jeff so he can come up to grab all the bags. He grabs all of your dads stuff and puts them in the car. Max comes back and hands the papers over to you. You all walk to the car and drive to the airport. The plane takes off and you are really tired. You rest your head on Max his shoulder and fall asleep.

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