Part 20. Qualifying

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A few days passed, you and Yuki spent a lot of time exploring Russia, but now its time to get back to the track to qualify for the race weekend. When you arrive at the paddock you walk to the Williams garage. You stop because you see George in the corner of your eye. You want to turn around but its to late, he sees you and starts running towards you. You close your eyes. It feels like the ground falls away under your feet. "Em. We need to talk." You don't even look him in the eyes. "I really think we shouldn't. Bye George." George grabs your shoulder. "Don't be such a bitch Emma, it was just a kiss." You push away his hands. "Don't fucking touch me Russell. Suddenly you feel a person standing behind you. "George, i swear to god if you don't leave right now." You look behind and see Max and Lando standing confidently. You feel safe. George rolls his eyes and laughs. "Oh Em, how nice. You got bodyguards now?" You turn to Max and Lando. "Let's go boys, i'm not wasting any more energy on him." You and Lando start walking but Max doesn't move. "Russell." George looks up but doesn't say anything. "If you touch her one more time. You're dead." He walks away and doesn't even give George an opportunity to react. You smile at Max, he is protecting you. Lando turns to you. "I really need to go guys,if you ever need me call me Em. see you later." He hugs you and walks away. Max keeps walking. You look at him. "Don't you need to go to the treehouse by now?" He nods. "Yes, but i'm walking you to Charlotte. I'm not leaving you alone." You smile. You both walk to the Mclaren motorhome and Max leaves you there. You get ready to race and put on your suit again. It feels good, you feel confident. You are putting on your helmet and take place in the car. As soon as you drive away you feel calm. You missed it. The car feels amazing and you are super quick. Only a few more minutes left. You decided to go for one more fast lap. You drive perfect. You hear Jost over the radio. "That is p3 Emma, p3." You scream. "Wahooo yes! Awesome job guys." You drive back to the pit lane and when getting out of the car everyone congratulates you. You finally proved that you are good enough for this seat, but tomorrow you need to take it home. You decided to get back to the hotel and take some rest. When you got showered there is a knock on the door. You open it. You see Max standing in front. "Hey, uhm do you want to come in?" He shakes his head. He is shy and doesn't look you in the eyes. "No, I just wanted to say, i'm two rooms away from you. Here is my room card, if you feel threatened by George. I'm always close to you."  You nod and accept the card. "Thanks Max." He walks away into his room and closes the door.

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