Part 19. Flight back

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When you get back at the hotel you put on some music to calm down and start packing your stuff. Your flight to russia leaves tonight. Sochi. You love the track, and you look forward to race there. After a few hours you packed all of your stuff and you sit on your bed. You take a quick powernap. A few hours later there is a knock on the door. You open it and see Jeff. "Miss Wilson, i need to take you to the airport." You nod and give him the suitcase. You leave the hotel and get in the car. When you are on the way there Jeff looks at you trough his mirror. "Miss Wilson, are you okay?" You nod. "You can call me Emma Jeff, and I'm fine just a little tired." He nods and stays quiet for the rest of the trip. When you arrive you see Yuki, Lando and Charles waiting for you in front. You hug everyone and Jeff takes your stuff to the private plane. Your eyes can barely stay open. A fan walks over to take a picture with you. You want to do it but Lando stops them. "Hey kiddo, I'm sorry but not right now. She is really tired." You smile at the kid and he walks away. "Thanks Lan." He nods. "Let's go before the whole airport comes to us." You walk to the plane and get in. There is a bed on board and you immediately get in there. You sleep before the plane even takes off. After a few hours you arrive in Russia. Yuki wakes you up. "Hey Em, we're here." You open your eyes and stretch. It's the middle of the night so its really dark. You stumble to the car and Jeff drives you to the hotel. Your room is right next to Yuki. You get in and turn on the shower. You always hate the feeling of going into bed after flying. You take a quick shower and jump in bed. You fall asleep right away.

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