Part 11. The race

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After qualifying you go to your hotel room. You order some room service and put on a series on Netflix. You want to chill a bit before tomorrow. After a while you feel tired and decide you want to get some sleep when there is a knock on the door. You open the door and see George. He is holding a bag of snacks. "Hey, i was wondering if you want to watch a movie with me?" You are speechless and notice you are wearing pyjamas. You become red because you are ashamed. He notices it. "It's okay. You still look good." You smile. "Come in." He walks trough and sees Netflix opened already. "You started without me i see." You both get in bed and he starts a movie. You are still very tired but you really want to spend some time with him. In the middle of it he grabs your hand and pulls you closer. You fell asleep on his shoulder. The next morning you wake up from the alarm. When you want to grab your phone you find a note beside it.

Hey! You fell asleep last night so i left. Meet me at 10:00 am for breakfast? Love George

You smile. He is being nice. You dress up and grab all your stuff and go downstairs. It's 10:00 am. Then it becomes 10:15 then 10:30. Still no George. Did he just ditch you? You get some breakfast by yourself and eat it on the way to the track. You come across Yuki. He stops in front of you. "Hey! I don't think we properly met already. You are very cool. I'm Yuki." He smiles while shaking your hand. You laugh because of his appearance, but you still look around to see if you find George. Yuki notices it. "Hey are you okay?" You look at him. "Huh?" He looks worried. "I asked if you were okay? You look out of this world." You scratch your neck. "You see right trough me. Thats weird. No one ever does. I'm fine just a little nervous for the race." Did he just noticed the smallest concern. He is good. "You will be fine Emma, if you ever want to clear your mind. You can call me." He grabs your phone out of your hand and puts his number in. Then he walks away. You make your way to the Williams garage. Then you see George. He walks to you. "Hey." You look mad. "Don't hey me, 10 am breakfast right?" He looks busted. "Shit. I totally forgot I'm so sorry i will make it up tonight. Pick you up at 8?" You nod and get in your car. The race is about to start and you drive the formation lap. The lights go out and your off. Your start is crazy quick so you pass Max. After 14 laps he catches up on you again. You drive a steady race and end up being 5th. A good achievement for a Williams. When you get out of the car Jost walks towards you. "Wilson, awesome drive. You deserve that spot more than anyone." George is listening to the word and you can see it hurts him to hear it. You are a better driver then him. You leave to the hotel to get dressed up and at exactly 20:00 pm there is a knock on the door.

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