Part 24. Dare devil

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They drive away from the paddock to the hospital in a crazy speed. Lando ignores all the red lights, he knows how much Max wants to know if you are okay. When they arrive at the hospital they see Yuki sitting down in the waiting room. Resting his head on his knees. "Hey, please tell me Emma is okay." He looks up to see who is asking him that. "Max?" He sits down next to Yuki. "Please." He looks Yuki in the eyes. "She is in surgery right now. That's all i know." The second he said that a nurse walks over to Yuki. "Mister Tsunoda?" He stands up. "She is awake, you can go see her right now." Max wants to walk along but gets stopped by the nurse. "Only people on the emergency list." Max looks disappointed but sits down instead of throwing a tantrum. Yuki and the nurse walk to the room.You slowly open your eyes and look around, you hear beeps and people walking trough your room. You can't see much, but there is a comforting voice in the room. You can't place it. You try to speak, but because of your injuries you can only whisper. "Ma- Max?" Yuki stands next to you, but decided to go out of the room without answering. He walks to the waiting room and stands across Max. "She said your name, i think you should come." The nurse hears what Yuki saids and lets it slide. Max and Yuki walk to the room while Lando stays in the waiting room. Max walks in and a instantly runs over to you. He sees all your wounds and you are attached to 5 different monitors. It scares him. He carefully grabs your hand, you instantly open your eyes and whisper: "Max?" He sits down next to you. "Shh, don't talk. Take some rest." You smile, but you are so tired. "Did i win?" You don't remember anything of the race. "You almost had it little dare devil." You smile and then fall asleep. Yuki sees the whole thing. "So you and Em?" Max looks up. He forgot Yuki was still in the room. He nods. "It's a secret only Lando knows about, please im begging you. Keep it like that." Yuki nods. "I never seen her this comfortable. Your secret is save with me." He leaves to the waiting room to keep Lando company. Max never lets go of your hand, every once in a while a nurse comes in to check if everything is allright. Max stares at you for a while until you open your eyes again.

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