Chapter 31

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Y/n, Patriots, and Hellagur are in town wondering if the place is curious, only for Y/n since he wants to know the place better.

Hellagur: Do you want to taste this Steuh?

Y/n: Uhhh… no, I don't think it is healthy by the looks of the food.

"And if I don't mistakes, it is a steak, but with different ingredients and the main source is meat… I don't know what meat they used. But I don't want to put it in my mouth."

Patriots: Don't worry, Y/n, this food is healthy, I can verify it since… my food is worse than this.

"Patriot? Cook? Want a taste it but he says his food is worse than this, so no. I want to confirm something."

Y/n: Hey Patriots, you say you serve for Theresa right?

Patriot: Indeed, I served for her Majesty for such a long time before I joined the Ursus army.

Y/n: Have any photos you took with her as a memory?

Patriot: Only one. *take something from his pockets* Here, this is the time where I and her Majesty talk about a small kid named Amiya I think?

Taking the pictures Y/n inspected it, and he confirmed that the Patriots is her guard a long time ago.

Taking the pictures Y/n inspected it, and he confirmed that the Patriots is her guard a long time ago

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Y/n: She is small.

Hellagur: Don't say that out loud, she is sensitive when someone calls her small.

Y/n: So… she is shorter than me then?

Patriots: Yes, probably her head reached your neck.

Y/n: Oh…

"I can't believe this, I think she tall than me, but no after the Patriots confirmed it for me. If he meets her, will he kneel or just gree-"


Someone bumps into Y/n aggressively as the person doesn't care what happened and keeps walking. Y/n just look at the person with Patriots and Hellagur.


Hellagur: You not gonna after her Y/n? She stole your wallet.

Y/n: *show the thief wallet* And I stole her too. Besides, I don't put my money in there.

Hellagur: Ehhh! That my man. Now let's spend all of it.

Y/n: Let's go!

Patriot: I should be against this… but Justice needs to be served. Let's use all of the money.

The trio ran in some direction to spend all of the thief's money. Y/n look at where the girl goes before continuing to spend the money.

"Red Jackets, with Grey hair and Lupos… I will enjoy first then find her. She will meet Kal'sit from what I remember."

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