Ahme is Ahme

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Amelia's pov-
   We finally reached the village. I'm totally beat. I watched over to Hector and saw he was totally fine.

   "We should gather intel and then bait them." Hector said walking in the direction of an alley. I followed, watching how old tbe place looked. It seemed to be a poor village but it was weird how there was a big church that you could see. I'll have to check that out too. It wasn't long before we figured out no one was going to tell us anything.

   "I think it won't do us any good wasting time trying to gather information. Let's just split up and look around, we'll either hear something unusual or come across them ourselves." I told him as he nodded and began to walk off. He stopped.

   "Remember, stab the heart." And with that he continued on.

   "Ok, well lets go for a walk shall we." I said to myself as I walked off as well.

Third person pov-
   "So they reached." A girl giggled as she hid behide a house. "I have to go and tell my brother. Ohh, this is gonna be fun." She giggled again and ran off.

   "Why are you so happy? Did you get another prey?" The boy asked as he dragged the body of an unconcious old lady.

   "Guess who just showed up." She smiled sweetly.

   "Oh, so he's finally here." The boy smirked.

   "Not just him, there's that girl who had tried to help us before too." She said, smiling even wider.

   "Ah, that foolish girl. Shall we do abit of hunting then?" He asked, dropping the corpse on the floor next to 3 other bodies.

Hector's pov-
   I sticked to the alleys and dark corners. I will definately get them this time. I have to. I will put an end to our little game of hide-and-seek.

   "Hello there." A girl said ever so sweetly, no, not a girl, the creature.

   "So this is how ya decided to do this." I growled out, ready to end this long journey.

   "No, this is how." I heard from befind me. Before I could turn around I felt a pressure at the back of my head. I flew towards the wall infront of me.

   "So, its two againt one huh. Bring it on." I smiled, getting up and dusting off my clothes. I pulled out the knife I had hidden and prepared to take them on. My head already trobbing with pain from the earlier attack. Maybe we shouldn't have split up.

Kouen's pov-
    It's been awhile since I've gotten news from Ahme. Maybe that whole thing she got involved in was too dangerous. I definately don't like that Hector guy.
   "What are you so focused about?" Koha asked. My younger brother who had been away for quite some time.

   "Seems only the death of our father brought us all together again." I said, trying to hide my thoughts from him.

   "You know, I've had alot of fun out there. Its way less of a mess too. I don't havta worry bout all this stuff about the throne or anything. After everything is sorted I'm gonna head out." Koha said, leaning against my dest. His head tilted to look at me, his red hair covering his eye.

   "Yes, I am thinking of going out on an advengter as well." I leaned back and watched as my thoughts finally cleared up. I will organize everything here and then go find Ahme. Ahme is still Ahme after all, no matter what strange things she might be able to do. Ah, this weird feeling. She seems to do that to me alot.

   "What kind of face is that!" Koha pointed and laughed. I forgot about him for a moment. Ah, she does that to me as well.

I have updated... sorry it ended up still being kind of late. Anyways, Happy New Year guys!! I just hope you are all safe out there and again, thank you for all the support you have given me.

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