Wake up call

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Amelia's pov-
   Blinking the tiredness from my eyes, i tried to stretch but couldn't.... huh? My body was tangled up with......Kouen?! I shot off the bed so fast, Kouen got pushed off the bed.

   "Oww.... oh, you got up." He answered calmly seeming as if he didn't just fall off the bed. "Let us get breakfast." He walked out and I was just left standing there. How is it that I am always in these situations with him?! I groan and followed soon after.

   "So, how has the palace been? Jack and the others, are they well?" I asked, eating bread in between the words.

   "You should eat first." He simply said. The day passed by as I stayed in the hotel and Kouen left to take care of business.

Time skip-
The trip back to the palace was long and boring but quiet. The days were filled with peaceful bickering and reports, basically we worked alot as we were moving. It was nice, being with Kouen again, talking, working and even sparring together when we got a chance, though I was not able to beat him in hand to hand combat.

   "He is back!" A gaurd shouted. The palace became busy with preparations for a celebration as the carriage rolled to a stop.

   "Welcome back, brother. It seems you have completed what you set out for." Koumei smiled as he watched Ahme and Kouen come out of the carriage.

   "What of you, have things in the palace been taken care of?" Kouen asked as he walked side to side with his brother. Ahme followed a few steps behind.

   "Yes, the queen is now locked up and Judar has been brought over to our side. It seems he was double crossing the queen for a proper spot on our side, of course I am not certain how much we should trust him, but so far, he seems to have changed for the better." Koumei reported to him as they entered his office. Not much could be said after that as Jack, Ray and Romel ran past the princes and jumped on poor unsuspecting Ahme.

   "Ahme!" They cried and hugged her as she tried to push them off.

   "Great to see you guys too, but I am being squashed." Ahme answered from somewhere in the pile of bodies.

   "Oh, sorry, sorry... we missed you." Ray said as they stepped back abit.

   "Yeah, it was soo hectic without you." Romel chipped in, looking dejected.

   "Are you ok? How was the trip? You werent hurt were you?" Jack bomarded her with questions, lookong worried and happy at the same time.

   "Im good, the trip was good and it was not even dangerous." Ahme laughed as she gave them all a smile. Koumei looked at Kouen to see he had an unreadable look on his face.

   "That proberly was not the case... but all is well that ends well. You must be glad, things can now return to normal." Koumei patted his sholder and continued walking. A party was held later that day and everyone was there, including Judar whom finally met Ahme properly.

Ik it has been awhile and honestly, idk where i am going with this story. But hopefully it isnt too long again.

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