Lil bit of the green monster

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Kouen's pov-
   Laying on my desk was a letter. Not just any letter, it was a letter from Ahme. She had finally written back after weeks and I was quite happy to finally hear from her but... all she wrote about was THAT GUY!

   "What is it that seems to have you so grumpy?" Koumei asked as he walked into my office. I hadnt even bothered to answer as I continued to drill holes into that seemingly innocent paper. That paper, which consisted of Ahme and THAT GUY........ TOGETHER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
   "Oh, Ahme wrote to you... but why are you not happy? Had you not been waiting ever so patiently for her letter?" He questioned again and still, I did not answer. I could not answer for it was unreasonable of me. He picked up the paper and read it aloud:
"Hey Kouen,
                        Its me, Ahme. Well obviously. Anyways, Hector and I have defeated those creatures I had previously mentioned. It was a hard battle, even for me. Poor Hector got thrown around all over and got bussed up. But he's ok now, on his merry way to the beyond....just kidding, he's gonna continue on hunting down those creatures. I just hope he is well as I write this. I left him a little while ago at the village we found the creatures. It was quite a strange little village, but that maybe how little I know of the world outside of Kou. Hector's a really great guy. He would have fit in well with us at home. Well it's about time I get on to my final destination. I will write again hopefully when I have reached.

   "So, you are jellous." Koumei stated. I had not looked up once during the time he read the letter, my hands squeezed into tight fists as he had finished.

   "Are you going to tell me I am jellous? Me?" I tried to pass it off as I watched my brother.

   "I did state that, yes." He replied.

   "Well you are wrong brother." I pressed.

   "I am not." He said as his eyes dared me to rebuke him again.

   "Why must I wait so for her to write and yet.... she only talks of another guy?!" I shouted inspite of myself. It made me feel furious and yet, I knew that I was being stupid.

   "Kouen. I know you are very possessive and sure, she may have written of another but you must rememeber, if it had been any other person then this would have been all the same to you. It is a report. A report from your agent on the feild to their superior. Ahme maybe someone important to you and it may even be love that you feel for her but she still thinks of you as her superior. Sure, she might also think of you as a friend but she did her job as an agent and reported properly to you. It cannot be helped that you feel jellous but just don't take it out on her."

   "I will heed what you have said. Thanks, brother." I watched as he left. I still feel jellous but Ahme did nothing wrong. My feeling are extreme and I still don't like the idea of Ahme talking about another guy but I will move on from those feelings. I just need to fill her head of only me. I smirked to myself.

And its that😝 but just between us, I am also super possessive and I get jellous soooo easy that its annoying😂 what bout you guys? Any of you get like Kouen? Or are you the calm type?🤔 Anyways, hope you enjoyed this chapter.☺


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