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Amelia pov-
I'm back to my original goal, and thankfully I am half way there. Its already been 1 month since I parted from Hector. Kouen hasn't sent me as much letters but I still keep him up to date on my little adventures. I've seemed to make a name for myself actually. Im called The Shadow. I know, I know, I was suppose to keep a low profile but I couldnt help it too much, there were slave traders and helpless kids. I had to jump in. I mean, technically I am keeping a low profile since they dont know who "The Shadow" is.

   "Hey, can you get out of the way." A big guy rudely demanded. Ugh, can't these kinds of people just not bother me.

   "Yeah, sure. Sorry." I say meekly and moved. Can't go cause more trouble when it can be avoided. As the guy walked past me, he bumbed my shoulder. Uncalled for but let's leave it alone. I sigh and walk on. This is the last village that I will stop at so I should stock up on things I need.

Kouen's pov-
A month has passed since I decided to go on a little recon mission. Of course I didnt go out just to run into Ahme. I would never do that..... anyways, it has had alot of unpleasent things happen so far but I shall get to her before she gets to the spot.

   "Did you really have to travel out at this time?"  Kouha asked from his spot next to me.

   "Yes, it is important to see first hand how the kingdom of Kou is doing in this time of confusion." I answered and continued walking. I am on offical business and NOT just going to see Ahme.....

Amelia's pov-
Ok, I'm finally at this place..... Where ever this is suppose to be.
   "It's just an open cracked up feild. What am I suppose to do here?" I walked around abit and then I figured it out. "Underground! It has to be that!" I looked under my feet and watched inbetween the cracks. "Hmm, there has to be some way to get under..... oh, I could just dig a hole." I took out a pick ax and as I was about to hit the ground, it opened up. "AHHHHHHHHHHH! Owch.... my ass." I looked up to see the spot that I fell through close up. "My bag is up there, Damnit." I got up and watched around. It was dark and seemed to have no one else around. "Well I guess I'm going to explore."

Kouen's pov-
I wonder what Ahme is up too. Maybe she is making trouble. I smile to myself just thinking of her.

   "Must be that Ahme person." Kouha whispers.

Koumei's pov-
I can not believe he left like this. I sigh and continued all the paper work that I got stuck with. Did he forget that he will be king soon? The queen is already a huge problem and Judar is another one.

   "Are you talking about me?" Judar showed up.... again.

   "It seems you like to annoy me when I am busy." I grint out.

   "Koumei, you know I like you best, after Kouen. Where has he gone anyways? Its already been a month. Isn't he going to deal with the queen.

   "Are you not suppose to be on her side?"

   "I am a magi, I'm not on anyone's side but my own."

   "But yet, you have killed our father for the queen's greed." I answered back annoyed.

   "There are certain things that occurs but I had little part to play in that. The queen is more formidable that you take her to be. She wants the world and not even Kouen might be able to stop her greed."

   "Wh" And of cource he vanishes in that moment. I sigh yet again. "These people shall be the death of me."

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