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Amelia's pov-
   So this is it, huh? I'll be working here from now on.
   "This way please, Prince Kouen is waiting." A young boy says, leading me through the palace, to a dark wooden door. He opens it and guestures for me to walk in. I step in, seeing Prince Kouen at a table, busy with papers.

   "Hello?" I call out, walking closer. 'Thud!' I turn to see the door closed. Great, I'm in this room alone with him.

   "Ahme, you're late." He states looking at me. You can't blame me for that! "You're things will be put in your room, you'll unpack when we get back." He says, walking out a side door. Wow, can't believe I didn't see that there. I follow him into a garden. Green grass streach on with flowers lining the edges. It's really open with only a few benches to the side.

   "Why are we here?" I question, looking at him puzzled.

   "To test you." He answers, taking off his coat. Damn, he looks better with just a shirt. Wait!! I did not just think that. "Get ready." He dashes forward only giving me the chance to barely dodge.

   "I wasn't ready!" I shout, looking at him, my hands up and ready for anything.

   "You are now." He states, throwing a punch and trying to grab me but i easily moved back and countered with a punch. He dodged, side stepping and kicking at my feet. I do a jump kick easily landing on my feet but he was fast to punch me, my hands taking the blow insead of my face. Damn, that hurt!

   "You're not going easy at all huh?" I mumble to myself, shaking off my hands. He doesnt let the chance slip and tries to grab me. I smirk, he fell for it. I grab the hand that was reaching for me and turn, throwing him over my shoulder but he lands on his feet. He trows a couple hits but i sidestep and duck, sticking my foot out to sweep him but im met with nothing. I quickly get up to see he's distanced himself from me.

   "You aren't bad." He states. Not bad he says? I haven't even gotten a hit in! I rush forward, faking a punch and do a side kick, he only bas time to block with his hand. I dont give him a chance to recover and trip him but somehow I'm the one on the ground.

   "Get off!" I growl out. He reversed the fall last minute, Damn him! He stares at me, not moving. I can feel his breath on my cheek, the warmth and slightly wet hands that holds my wrists down and the heat that radiates from his body. My breaths were coming out in puffs and face was slightly red from the work out.

   "Oh my." I hear someone say and Kouen stands up so fast I am a bit dazed. I slowly sit up, calming down a bit. "I hope I didn't disturb you." Finally looking at who was talking, I see a red haired man with freckles.

   "Koumei, you are mistaken. We were simply sparring. I have tested his combat abilities so there is no need to worry." Kouen states. Koumei? Then this is Prince Koumei?

   "Yes, of course. This is Ahme I assume?" Koumei streaches his hand out. I watch it, slim and white. He doesn't do much other than paper work. I grab it and he pulls me up. Stronger than expected.

   "Greetings, Prince Koumei. I am Ahme as you've said." I say politely.

   "I've heard quite a bit about you, maybe we can" Prince Koumei was saying but Kouen cuts him off.
   "I should carry him to his room. Excuse us." He says, walking off and grabbing my hand. He practically dragged me through some halls and we came to a stop at the stairs. "The second room is yours. You should get cleaned up, there is a bath as well so feel free to use it. I'll come get you for dinner." He turns and just walks off.

Sorry for taking so long to update but I hope this chapter  makes up for it. Comment, like and follow. Don't be shy now. Thank you for reading.

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