On the move

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Amelia's pov-
   Damnit! I didn't think this would be so boring. I've been sitting here for so long already. No trouble, no bandits and nothing interesting. It's already been a few days on the road.

   "You can finish the paper work." Kouen said, shuffling around his own set, busily doing whatever.

   "Ah! But that's boring. This is a trip right? We should have some fun. We've been on the road for so long and the next town is a bit away still." I whine. Ok, maybe I got way too comfortable with 'his excellency' but to be fair.... uh.... actually when the heck did I get so comfortable with him?!

   "A break then?" He questioned me, finally putting down his work.

   "Yeah, I mean there's a river right here," I point outside, "we can make a picnic. I can even cook." I smile at him.

   "Ok, but after this I hope you can work twice as hard." He stated. I guess that's fair.

Kouen's pov-
   I sat on the grass, the river making little noise as Ahme gathered the necessary things. She was getting the fire ready now, the sun still up but beginning to slowly go down. This might not be the best spot to camp out but she seems happy.

   "What would you like to eat?" She asked, cutting up the vegetables. I'm pretty sure she doesn't actually care.

   "Anything's fine." I answer anyway, watching our surroundings. Trees, some small rocks and only the man whose been carrying us around. Wait... are we being watched? These guys really are so tactless, spying on us already.

   "Kouen, your eyes are pretty good huh?" She asked, looking at me seriously. I guess she sensed it too.

   "Would you like a closer look?" I smirk. Yes, best we ignore it, once they don't try anything.

   "No, a distance is best." She smiled and continued on. Her food was amazing, I really wasn't expecting that. She watched as I ate. Really too cute.

   "It tastes well." I curtly answer her wondering eyes.

   "O,of course it'll taste good." She answer, eating her own food with a blush now visible.

Time skip to the outer village of Kou-
Amelia's pov-
   "We're finally here." I stretched as we walked into a room.

   "Yes, I think it's best to get rid of the nuisances first." He whispered out, setting down our bag. Some action! Yes!

   "Oh. Yeah, I'll head to the bar. Get info and stuff." I smile as I walk off. The guy who was tailing us already no where to be seen. He probably doesn't need to keep spying since we're in the base of their operations. Things might get a little busy but I just hope I get a good bonus after this. The roads are filled with chatter and stalls with kids running around and women shopping. Like any other village... except that's what's so off-putting. "Roka's Bar." I mumble out walking in, taking a seat and ordering a beer. Ah, everyone's pretty much already watching me like a hawk. I sigh and gulp down the alcohol, tasting a bitter, familiar taste of..... damn! He was right!

I think it's shorter but hey, I updated! Anyways happy new year, I hope you guys had a great holiday or at least had fun. I sure did! 😂😂 Stayed up for 3 days with only 4 hours of sleep, and was totally hammered 😖😵 but damn! The best part was the food! Anyways enough of my talking, laterz.

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