Meet up

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Kouen's pov-
I have been on the road for awhile now, stopping every now and then to inspect the land. I mean, I really did have work outside so it was not an excuse to see Ahme. I wonder if she is ok? She probably did not make any more friends right? I should hurry.

Koumei's pov-
Ugh, that bastard. I rested my head on my overly crowded table. I have palace affairs, our family problems and my work on top of it all.
"At least Judar has kept the queen busy." I mumbled out.

"I see you are quite busy. Glad I can help." Judar appeared, leaning against the dest.

"Ugghhhh, can there just be one day without you showing up." I grumbled. He seemed to find joy in coming and disturbing me.

"I just wanted to keep you company for abit. I thought you would enjoy the little break." He answered and watched me. I stared back, and sighed.

"Fine, we can have some tea, you only come for me to make you tea anyways." I got up and moved to get the tea pot amd leaves.

"Seems I got busted. In my defense though, you make better tea than any I have teasted." Judar answered, sounding oddly sincer. I shook my head and sighed again. Everything has been so hectic but I am glad our family is back together, even though it is only for the succession rights alone. "I heard your brother went to find out of the palace. The queen has thrown a fit." He took a sip and then smelt the aroma that steamed out of the cup. "She still has it in her head to marry Kouen and stay the queen."

"So I had guessed was her plan. Why are you helping her? Is there any profit from siding with a crazed woman who only wants power?" I sat on the couch and sipped some of my own tea and crossed my legs.

Judar's pov-
My eyes followed his movements. His lips touched the tea cup and he tilted the cup ever so slightly, the hot liquid passed though his lips and then he crossed his legs. I gulped down a mouthful of tea and cleared my throat. "That is exactly why, she wants power and it seems interesting for now." I smiled.

Time skip-
Amelia's pov-
"Damn, it is hot. I think I am about to drop." I walked through the long path infront of me. I got a message a week ago saying that Kouen would be in the village close to the boarder. I tried my hardest to reach there in record time but at last, the heat made it impossible to travel too far in the day. I had opped for traveling at night but today I had finally reach the village he was currently in so here I am, walking though the desolate place in search of his hotel. "Where is the place anyways? There is nothing but abandoned buildings here." I walked abit more, looking out for the landmark he had given me. "A big sign with a folk and knife. Is this it?" I asked myself, walking into the run down building. "Hello?" I called out but got no answer. "Maybe its" I got pulled into a room before I finished my sentence. I did not hesitate as I jabbed my elbow into the person's ribs.

"Ugh." They let me go and clutched their side. I turned around ready to punch them in the face when I saw who it was.


Finally they have reunited. Hope you liked my twists and turns. I just wanna say thank you all for staying with me, even tho I have been slow on updates. I appreciate all of you who votes and comments and even those who are silent readers. Love y'all❤

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