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Amelia's pov-
   A kiss, no.....not just any kiss, but a kiss from Kouen.
   "Um, maybe this distance is good." I replied as i stood far away from him.

   "Do you not want to be with me?" He pouted. Oh my goodness! He looked so cute!

   ", its not that. I just, need to think, yes that is it." I replied as i walked around abit. This is weird. I know Kouen cannot be here and this whole situation is completely rediculous..... so why is it that I am swayed? Is this some kind of magic? Lets look around first. I walked around and nothing was unusual. The only thing that seemed to be the root was, well, Kouen or at least the one here. I watched him closely. I examined him and conpared him to the Kouen from my mind. Everything seemed the same..... except....
   "So that is what you are." I answered.

   "What? Are you ok?" He looked concerned.

   "You can stop pretending, I know that you are a dream jinn. So convert to your proper self." I replied.

   "I guess you saw through my ruse. I am surprised you did not fall into my dream world with the kiss, normally people end up being in bliss after one kiss from the one they desire." A blue guy answered. He had handsome features and black hair, his body was well built and muscular. He had on a black pants and a purple stash around his waist, his upper body bare.

   "Wh..... what?! Desire?! No, no, no. You got it wrong, he, that guy is my boss. I do not, anyways, that isnt important. I caught on to your little trick so now I get your treasure right?" I asked unsure.

   "Hmm, well, I guess I can give it to you. You are cute." He replied or maybe he was talking to himself. "I shall gift you with my treasure if you can hit me, once." He smirked.

   "What? But did I not already pass your test? Wasn't the dream your test?" I asked.

   "Yes, but you cannot be my master if you are not physically strong as well. You have only proved you are mentally strong to such tricks." He answered and crossed his legs with a smile on his face.

   "Ok." I ran at him but he jumped out of the way, so I quickly turned on my heels and did a backflip to reach him. He seemed abit startled but dodged anyways. I landed on my feet, as did he. We looked at each other and then the fight began. I threw a punch to his face but he ducked, I twisted myself to the side and sent a kick to his mid section but he just stepped back. I did not stop with my attacks though. Sending a few more punches to his face and mid section and adding a bit of kicks and elbow jabs but it all seemed useless as he dodged them all. I stepped back and took a breath. I waited, he seemed to not make any moves and I figured it out.
   "I see, it is not that you are that good huh, I mean, even if you are a great fighter, you cannot dodge all of those. You.... you are a mirror right." I said and he just watched me, relaxed and carefree. I raised my hand as I  walked forward and touched his chest.
   "You see everything and reflect our desires at us, to trick us, to trap us in a dream world  but you can also see our every move, since you are a mirror of us, of me, you knew all my moves and avoided them. The real test was not to win.... but to figure it out." I replied.

   "It seems that you have won, my fair lady. I give to you, my treasure." He said, holding my hand and vanishing. I was back in the dark cave and in my hand i held a twin dagger. On it, it wrote a name.

   "Adon" I read it out loud and a light engulfed me. My clothes changed into a blue mini top and a skirt with sliths to the side. I had a white coloured fur tail and ears with fur gloves and a sleveless fur coat. The white and blue colours seemed to show my own feelings of boldness and innocence. This was my refection of myself.

   "Call my name and I shall be with you." I heard in my head. I smiled. Yes, this really was amazing.

Soooooo that was that😂 btw, her transformation is the picture above. That is what I pictured it to look like.

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