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Amelia's pov-
"So you're telling me, these guys can use powers?" I ask as we walked over the vast greenery.

"No, I said that they have an ability which makes them stronger and faster than the average person. They steal the life energy, leaving their victims dead." He sighed for the millionth time since we've started this journey. Wait, what is this guy's name anyways? Why does he know this stuff? "The name's Hector, I'm.... what you'll call a guardian."

"Did you read my mind?!" I scream and jump away from him. He chuckled, a deep and boyish sound that was oddly soothing.

"No, you're just easy to read." He smiled slightly, but went back to his gloomy face.

"Hector, how do you know about these creatures?" I ask, walking next to him, my hands behind my back.

"Its a family business. I've known about them since forever and although it's hard to track them down, I've done so twice," he pulled out a compass, "with this." I go to hold it but he quickly pockets it. "I'd advise you not to touch it, only guardians can touch it, others will be turned to dust."

"Your accent is gone." I say simply.

"It was a disguise, I have no need to pretend." He stated and we fell into a silent strut.

Kouen's pov-
I hope Ahme is doing better out there.
'Chirp, chirp.' As I look up I see snowbird. I walk to him and take the cream colored, rolled up paper. I give him a treat and walk back to my desk.

"To Kouen,
I've reached the outside of Kou with little trouble. It was abit of a stretch to walk all the way but as you ordered, no carriages and less hotels to avoid being detected. As you are reading this right now, I'm on my way to the south side, following a guy by the name of Hector. I seemed to have let some very bad creatures escape and I'm currently helping to capture them. I will give you updates on this but I won't take too long of a detour. Anyways, chill out and trust me, I'll be back soon😉

Ofcourse something like that would happen. I sigh as I look over her neat handwriting.

"Kouen, they are asking for you." Koumei said as he walked in. "We are in a debate on what happened with the new domain coming about." I sigh and put away the letter.

"Lead the way." I walk off, hoping to write back by today.

Amelia's pov-
It's been a week since we've started on this hunt as I call it. We seem to be going farther away from society.

"Didn't you say they feed off people? Why are they not going anywhere close to people?" I ask.

"They seem to be regrouping? I don't know either, I've only ever gotten close to them twice and both times were in the center of a small village."

"Hmm, do you think there's a village out this far? I don't think there is though, I've read the map too many times." I pull it out again and watch from different angles.

"Give it here," he grabbed the map and sighed. "There is a tribe out far north, which is exactly straight ahead. If we head straight for another week, without break, we'll be able to catch them as they are still feeding." He explained.

"What? Then we should reach before the week is up, innocent people might die." I said as I picked up my pace.

"They will take a few days to feed and another 1 to play around. They are kids at heart, though bloody murderers, they are actually that young." He said looking down.

"Then, why do they do it?" I ask, not slowing down.

"The high, maybe to live or maybe they just enjoy it. I don't know but, its something that should not be done." He clenched his teeth and hands. I stayed silent as we walked. Something tragic must have happened.

Somewhere far north-
"Do you think you can help us?" The innocent looking girl asked.

"Ofcourse dearie." The young woman said.

"We're hungry." She whimpered.

"We? Is there anyone else?" The kind woman asked.

"Yes, over here." The girl led the woman in a dark alley. The soft laughing of a young boy was heard as they walked deeper.

"A..are you sure its here?" The woman asked, getting frightened.

"Yes." The young girl said, a creepy smile on her face.

Duun duuun duuuuuun!! Well I've finally updated. I hope you enjoy this🤗🤗 I've been having a hard time recently, I mean a boyfriend is nice and all but ughh, I can't even meet him. It just sucks wen I'm already 19 and I feel like I'm hiding all this😔 but anyways, just had to rant abit 😂😂 I hope you guys are good tho🤗🤗

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