Left out?

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Kouen's POV-
   Going into her room to wake her up might have been a bit much, but for my defense she shouldn't have paid more attention to Koumei. Her sleeping face was cute and hair was all messed up.

   "Prince Kouen, are you going to check the outer village?" A page asked. Ah, I spaced out again. It's already been a week since Ahme came and we've been doing paper work all day, eating together and even sparing occasionally.

   "Yes, I'll leave today." I answer, looking to the side at Ahme scribbling on a paper, not even bothering with us.

   "I'll get the maids to pack," He says but I just had the best idea. I smirk, leaning forward.

   "No, I'll have my personal assistant handle such things. You may leave." I dismiss him and turn my attention to Ahme, who still wasn't paying any attention to me. "Ahme, Let's get going." I call out, standing up. She looks up at me with those eyes, questioning me silently. "Follow along now." I answer and stride to my room, Ahme close behind.

   "Kouen, I don't think this is somewhere I should be." She says, looking panicked. Ah, hearing her say my name sounds nice. I think we've gotten closer since then.

   "I got this for you, since you've been locked up with Kouen for so long." Koumei said looking at Ahme with a smile. He had come more regularly to dinner since we ate together and they seem so close.

   "I thank you, Prince Koumei. It really is thoughtful of you." She answered back, accepting his gift.

   "I could have gotten you a gift if you wished." I butt in.

   "No need, your excellency." She looked at me with a glare.

Next day-
   We sat doing paper work when Jack came to see me.

   "Oh, Ahme. It's been so long huh? I hope you're doing well?" He asks, passing the paper work to me.

   "Jack, really? It's only been a few days, but I'm well." She smiles at him. I watch from the side as they talk. I feel like making him do more work.

   "You should get these back to Koumei before to late." I hand back the rushed work as he stares at it.

   "Ah, you're right. I'll see you around, Ami..uh, Ahme." He waved and left.

Later that day-
   Romel and Ray were outside sparring when we passed by.

   "Ahme, come spar with us, its been too long." Ray called out. Romel pushed him, stepping forward.

   "I'm sure I got better, wanna test it out?" He asks watching her with excitement in his eyes.

   "Sure, it's my break anyway." I stand to the side as she wiped the floor with them, only getting hit twice.

   "Ah, you beat...us again." Ray breaths out, sitting on the grass.

   "Next...time." is all Romel gets out as she laughs.

   "Yeah next time for sure." She answers but before they continue I cut in.

   "Break's over." I say, walking off with her on my tail.

Even later in the day-
   I just don't get it. Why does she smile and laugh like that with them? I walk in the garden deep in thought until the very person I was thinking about shows up.

   "Ahme?" I ask, questioning if I'm seeing things.

   "Oh, hey, I'm uh." She tries to say but nothing but mumbles come out as she looks down.

   "You don't have to talk about it." I say, knowing something must be wrong.

   "Thanks, I... just need a bit of time." She says. I look at her and see her eyes look red. Did she cry? Before I can understand what happened she was in my arms. She doesn't say anything but her shoulders start to shake.

   "Its ok when you're with me." I whisper out, patting her head. We stayed like that for a while until she pulls away, looking down still as she rubbed her eyes.

   "Thank you Prince Kouen." She said as we walk back inside.

   "Kouen." I mumble out.

   "Huh?" She asks about to open her door.

   "I said, just Kouen is alright." I say, feeling my face turn red as I turn away to leave.

   "Good night, Kouen." I hear before her door closes.
Flashback ends.

What you think? Bit long? They're closer now so he isn't left out anymore? Lol. Tell me what you think. Comment, vote and follow. Also I'm on tiktok so follow me- @raramonster0

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